MA request for skijim13

Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby skijim13 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:14 am

My wife and I spent the last two days on the mountain working on the super phantom, double pole drag and boot touch drills. Made a major improvement in both our skiing. The double pole drag, really help me remove my up movement since I could tell my turns were not flowing well at first without the up movement. However, the more I did them the better it felt. My wife Lorie is also comming to camp and she usually has any bad habits I have, since I have be the primary one who has taught her to ski it great to have a partner to work on PMTS with. I was on the hill watching our new ski instructors working on wedge turns where they had you rise at edge change, and I was thinking if you want to ski like an expert you will have a great deal of work ahead of you to unlearn this movement. I can say from experience that the up movement is the hardest habit to break. Sad how the wedge turn is still the key move for most ski instructors. Thanks again for the help it has been hard for me to improve without a coach that can help me. Another note is that our racers on our mountain skate and push every turn, if only they knew there was a better way. My hope is that as my wife and I improve, people will see the value of PMTS over TSS skiing. Once you get a taste of it you would never want to ski another way.
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby Erik » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:24 am

If you don't already have them, there are some new eVideos available for download at HSS that cover what you have been working on and may provide same additional useful demonstration material.

There is a 3-video "Eliminate the Wedge" series presented by Diana that ends with the Super Phantom in the 3rd video. It provides an excellent demonstration of the progression to the Super Phantom - and the elements that Geoff was suggesting you try. Diana is a great demonstrator; she makes it really clear to see the individual elements of the Super Phantom.

There is also a Boot Touch video presented by Harald. I just noticed that one was available yesterday and downloaded it. Very clear demonstrations on how to do it effectively with counterbalancing movements and the timing.

Even if you already have the ABCAES videos and Essentials, these videos have great descriptions and demonstrations of the learning progressions. If you had Harald or Diana as a coach, this is very similar to how they might take you through these learning progressions - except for the tons of feedback you would get at each step n the progression.
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby Max_501 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:58 am

skijim13, props for getting out there and doing the drills! Too many skiers refuse to make that commitment to improve. Unfortunately your time probably could have been more productive and this comes back to identifying the SMIM and then doing drills that will target the SMIM

As Geoff explained earlier the extension is a symptom of an undeveloped RTE progression. Until that specific issue has been addressed there is little benefit to working on flexing specific drills like the pole drag and boot touches.
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby skijim13 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:54 am

What would you suggest the progression should be? I spent about 7 hours working on the super phantom, and LTE balance until I could do them easily. I thought that using the other drills such as the double pole drag, and boot touch and tip would further remove my up movement. What would you suggest would be the best external clue to use to validate that I can do the move and transfer correctly?
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby Max_501 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:53 pm

Test 1: Can you link one footed releases (slow motion)?

If yes, move to Test 2. If not more work needed on RTE (classic super phantom).

Test 2: Can you link two footed releases (slow motion)?

If yes, you are ready for the next step. If not more work is needed on RTE where both skis are kept on the snow -(lighten rather than lift)
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby JBurke » Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:09 pm

If anyone needs discussion of one footed vs two footed release, Google:

"one footed vs two footed release. site:"
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby Doghouse » Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:22 pm

I recently downloaded the Super Phantom e Video. Great demo and I highly recommend it! Love the eVideo format too - easy and portable.
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby skifastDDS » Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:59 am

Jim, I just saw this video. Your skiing has improved a ton since this was shot! Keep up the dedicated work, it's paying off.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
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Re: MA request for skijim13

Postby skijim13 » Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:17 am

Thanks for the feedback look forward to skiing with you again.
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