Equipment notes

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Equipment notes

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:50 am


1) Liners.
You all know I've been skiing on Zipfits? Right? For the past 2 years, I had the Sidewinder in leather. Now, I just ordered the new Zipfit liner, the Expresso, in leather.

This is now my second pair of Zipfits. I can say out loud, THEY ROCK! Folks, my feet...I feel like I have an unfair advantage, they feel so good! I'm telling ya. These Zipfit liners, they must be the best!!!!

The new liners are even better than the old ones, which I thought were fab! They have more padding in the tongue and they put a strap on the back of the liner, so you can "pump them up" each morning. You all must get these Zipfits!

2) Harald's foot beds.
I tried some others, then I put HH's back in. Wow, no comparison. HH's foot beds are the best.

3) ic160's in deep snow.
It's been dumping in Vail these past few days. Guess what? No fatties for me, I've been making turnz on my ic160's, 64 under foot. That ski rocks! And you know what? Hardly anyone has them!

psst. Get some Head's!

4) Training with HH.
Yippee! I get to ski a day with HH this week! I'll let you know how it goes. HH. Be hard on me! Kick my arse!

Okay, I gotta go. I'm meeting the Pillionaire in Wolcott, go make some turns.


Head IC 160's

Postby JimR » Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:09 pm

Hey SCSA, I thought you also had a pair of IM75 chips? Was I wrong, or do you just find the 160's more versatile than the IM75?

Postby -- SCSA » Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:16 pm

Hi JimR,

I do have the im75's. I love those too.

But JimR. I'm just finding that my ic160's are more versatile than advertised!

Like I say, I've had them in deep snow the past few days. While I didn't feel like I could really fly on them, really let them rip that I can my im75's, they felt reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally great.

What I found, is that as long as you concentrate on keeping a carve platform going -- keeping that free foot tipped as you move through the turn -- that was the key. And, you have to keep them going down the hill. If you let them slide sideways or let the tails get in front of your hips, big problems.

But you also can't discount the pilot, or in this case, the training. :wink: My PMTS training, really makes a difference too. Because, all I think about is making the same set of moves, over and over. I'll tell you something else, too. Having the knowledge of the weighted release really helps. I feel like I have an unfair advantage. :)


Here's another note about the liners. Fab! I just can't say enough, how great they feel. They're warmer than my others, too.

Be cool,

Equipment notes

Postby Joe » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:05 pm

SCSA, glad to hear the good things about the Zip fit liners. Where did you find them? I corresponded with Sven earlier this season and he indicated there were some distribution problems this year. I've yet to find a shop west of the Rockies that carries them. I did come across a store in Sun Valley called "Surefoot" that had what looks like a good approach to cant alignment via boot sole grinding as well as a pretty good understanding of cuff adjustment. Have you, or has anyone else, had any experience with these people? BTW, I picked up a pair of IM 75,s in Canada in the beginning of a recent vacation and hardly touched another pair of skis in my quiver the rest of the trip. Truly remarkable!
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Zip Fits

Postby Rookie » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:35 pm

Superor Ski in Snowbird is the Rep for Zip Fits. Call Steve Bagley.. he will set you up!.


Postby -- SCSA » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:42 pm

Yes, Superior ski is where I got mine. Tell 'em you heard their name on this website!

Folks, one reason I go on like I do is because if we don't tell the world about products/services/thangs (that's for you, Rusty) we like, no one will buy them! :x No sales = no business. We certainly can't have that!

So that's why I go on about Zip fits. That's an f'ing great product! Support great products like Zip fit and we'll all be wearin the leather, for years to come! :D

Postby -- SCSA » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:44 pm


Those im75's are way cool, eh? 8)
I hate to be a homey, but you know who talked about 'em first?

Our man HH.

Hard to argue with facts, aint it Joe? :wink:

Equipment notes

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:25 pm

Thanks for the tips on Superior ski for the Zip fits. Guess that will have to wait for next season. SCSA, I would never argue with the facts, they're almost always right! :wink:

Postby jclayton » Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:01 am

These Zipfits are really getting a plug ( anyone have any shares ) . I asked HH and he felt a better product is now the Conformable injected liners . I ended up buying some Strolz in St Anton and they are extremely good .
I met a guy in Harald`s shop last December ( when he fitted me with some Head FR 10.7's ) who went to Surefoot the previous season and they couldn't get his boots right . He went away very happy after seeing Harald ( he was a very difficult case with Rich and Harald virtually spending a whole day with him ) . Surefoot is probably a franchise so some may be better than others .
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Postby -- SCSA » Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:41 am


Post more about the comformable's. Is there a website? You really like them?

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:09 pm

We now carry the comformable liners. Diana has been racing in them and has had her best results since using the Comformables. We had bad luck with Zip Fit.

Postby jbotti » Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:56 am

I believe that I may have found the website. Perhaps Harald can confirm if indeed this is the product that they are using. ... 11&p=0&f=0
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