Head WCR4 boots - HSS saves the day -- again

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Head WCR4 boots - HSS saves the day -- again

Postby spinbackwards » Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:00 am


I came out of the Raptor 130 which for me, was boot nirvana. Fit like a glove. Only problem, was my feet got cold. Some days, really cold. And they were hard to take off when it was cold. There were days when I'd come back to the car wondering if I'd have to ask for help to get my boots off!

So I scored a pair of the WCR4's from HSS. At first I gave them a pretty good. No more cold feet. But not quite that snug fit I was used to.

So I took a trip over to see Diana, who's becoming (already is?) the boot goddess. She did the liquid thing, which helped. But still not that snug fit - unless I buckled them tight. But when I buckled them down, my feet got cold. Oh no! I can make up for a little room. But cold feet? Not for me. So I'd loosen 'em back up, deal with it.

Then this year Diana put some wool under my footbed. Voila! Now I've got a snug fit - and my feet are warm. The boots feel really good.

Talking to Diana about one more move - having them redo my footbeds using a wool blank. Emailing her now about this.

So many thanks and gratitude for The Dumont Skunk Werkx (John Mason shoutout for those who remember him), aka HSS. Truly one of the last great ski shops in America - or at least Colorado.

And it's not just us that feel this way. I talked to someone else at the Beav who got their boots done by HSS too. Happy customer.

Happy New Year,
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Re: Head WCR4 boots - HSS saves the day -- again

Postby spinbackwards » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:09 pm


Been making a lotta turns. It's good here at the Beav now.
My boots feel freaking great. Now I'm thinking they're better than the Raptor 130's. Because now my feet don't get cold, it's easy to get the boots off, and the performance is there.
I am going to talk to Diana about going with the new Hotronics heating system, though. I have the heated socks. I turn them on at the house, so the socks are warm when I slip my boots on. But today the battery was gone by Noon. I think the new Hotronics have longer battery life.
Many thanks,
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Location: Eagle, CO

Re: Head WCR4 boots - HSS saves the day -- again

Postby Roundturns » Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:22 pm

Check out Bootcaps, a neoprene covering over the front of the boot which is a fixed to the boot via two way tape. They make a significant difference. Skied them in Colorado two weeks ago and was very happy regarding the insulation provided.

They cost $50 , and you can argue cost of materials wise there has to be a considerable markup, but thy make a difference which for us cold feet-toes sufferers is worth ir.
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