Alice Robinson

Alice Robinson

Postby blackthorn » Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:40 pm

"And here's to you, Alice Robinson
Kiwis loves you more than you will know
Whoa, whoa, whoa....... "

Her results have improved through the season culminating in GS gold. She is great to watch.
There have been previous comments about her skiing. I think she looks better at this end of the season. I suspect she is not trying to force things so much, and seeking early angles more than pressure, especially when looking at the number of DNFs she had earlier in the season.

What do others think about her current form and how it might relate to her technique?

It is a wonderful end to her season, which for her and all the WC skiers has been disruptive. Her future remains bright.
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Re: Alice Robinson

Postby jbotti » Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:56 pm

Amazing speed when she is on. Very high risk approach. And she is incredibly inconsistent. But consistency can improve as she is really young. But you can look at other super high risk GS skiers (Luca D"alprindini comes to mind) and many never learn how to dial it back when they need to.
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Re: Alice Robinson

Postby jbotti » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:59 am

I have seen her race quite a bit more this season. I have also watched her in speed races and in some of the downhill training runs at the Olympics. I have come to one conclusion, she is nuts! She is taking crazy risk in every race and I mean crazy. The few times she pulls it off, she wins and its unreal to watch. But I just don't think its sustainable and as the DNFs add up, it gets harder and harder mentally to have any confidence in the approach. It's unclear as of yet, whether she can ski under control and still be fast. Of course the bigger issue with her total reckless abandon is that for sure she is headed for a major injury. Considering that we can count on one hand those that have had serious crashes/injuries and came back and were the same skiers. able to ski fast without fear (Vonn, Bode, Svindal, Goggia maybe a few others) it's not a promising outcome for her career.

On that note, Goggia is pretty nuts also. One has to wonder whether she will be able to walk past 35 with the constant damage she is doing to her body.
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Re: Alice Robinson

Postby h.harb » Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:42 pm

Alice Robinson is a mess, she has to charge and attack beyond her capabilities because her technique and boot setups are terrible. As John says, she will end her career with injuries. I predict she will be helicoptered out. Her coaching and support team have no idea of how to fix her. If I were her new coach; I know it would take at least a full year to be able to change her skiing.
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Re: Alice Robinson

Postby blackthorn » Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:10 pm

The 2021/ 2022 season including these Olympics have produced very inconsistent results for her.
I do wonder if the artificial snow produced in these very cold dry conditions make her even more vulnerable to her technique and setup limitations, and full on charge and attack.
It would be great if she and the team around her could overcome these challenges.
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