HH, new hip

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HH, new hip

Postby h.harb » Sun Nov 24, 2019 10:07 am

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Re: HH, new hip

Postby misterknuts » Sun Nov 24, 2019 5:30 pm

That’s pretty amazing in such a short time Harald. Glad you have it done now, and the worst Is behind you. Lucky as well that you know a great boot guy to make all those adjustments.

Holiday wishes to you and Diana from Lost Trail Powder Mountain, Sula, MT. We all have much to be thankful for.
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby h.harb » Mon Nov 25, 2019 3:36 pm

Thanks for the comments, yes, we are very happy with how our shop services are gaining recognition. We had two Olympians in for boot work this week. I'm continuing to refine my alignment on my new Nordica boots, getting closer every time out. Today's turns below.

The replaced hip is getting stronger every day. I'm not going fully into loading my turns yet, but in about two weeks it should be good.
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby misterknuts » Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:51 pm

Great photos Harald. I work out with a friend with a hip replacement and he is astounded at your speedy progress. Even after years he was told to be very careful and not lift much weight. Recently he’s been doing far more that the doctor ever said he could. So I showed him your new photos.

He would like to know if this is new technology because his progress was far slower And he doesn’t understand how bone can repair that fast. Was it glued in place, etc.? Hope that’s not too personal. I told him you were in just in fabulous shape and a very fast healer. Then I told him you had new knees too and he almost blew a gasket. :-)
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby milesb » Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:20 am

Harald is the new Steve Austin
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby h.harb » Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:17 am

He would like to know if this is new technology because his progress was far slower And he doesn’t understand how bone can repair that fast. Was it glued in place, etc.?

I don't want to give the wrong impression. I'm very happy with my progress. Is it perfect, no, is it at full strength no. Is it functional yes? I am expecting it to get stronger and better. I'm not lifting heavy, I'm using leg press machines rather than doing full squats with weight. I did mostly biking to come back. Strange, but my doctor doesn't recommend biking, but I did it anyway and got great results. My doctor didn't recommend skiing but I felt better every time after I skied.

My hip is a straight forward Zimmer brand hip, not glued. It is a bone growth insert. I did start one footed balance and resistance training the week after surgery. I was strong going in and I think my muscles responded sooner due to this. I am also light, so the hip didn't have to support lots of weight.
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby misterknuts » Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:30 pm

Thanks so much for the info Harald. My hip replacement friend and I were at the gym working out when we got your reply. Our trainer has him doing far more than the doctor recommended and it’s been working great for him too. We both appreciated the report very much. Cheryl and I have both had to work our way back from serious surgeries in the past year and you continue to inspire us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Diana!

Your friends in Sula.

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Re: HH, new hip

Postby wregan » Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:57 am

Thanks for inspiring me to not get too freaked out about my impending THR(s). I'll be 59 in June and have been struggling with some form of hip pain for the past 15 years. Something really changed this year and it's keeping me from sleeping, carrying heavy items while walking, very limited ROM, etc. Finally saw a surgeon in NYC hoping to be able to clean things up with FAI repair, but he said I'm 20 years past that possibility and that the only thing that will help is a THR. He said anterior approach with these new hips is relatively easy. I skied Aspen all last week after getting Hyaluronic Acid injections in both sides and felt OK for skiing 5 of the 6 days as long as I stayed below about 10k feet of vertical per day. Still, painful and stiff and some days I feel like I can't load up one leg or the other. Anyway, being out west and talking to other skiers I met no fewer than TEN other men and women that had one or both THR done and said they are skiing harder than they ever have and only regret not doing it sooner. My fear of the surgery is dramatically less after hearing this and seeing your recovery. Thanks to you and the others I met for sharing. I'm planing one in March, rehab for 2-3 months and then get the other one done so I'm only having to blow up one year. Hoping to be back on the snow by December.

Do you have any specific advice for preparing for surgery? I have a couple of months to get even stronger. How about after?
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Re: HH, new hip

Postby h.harb » Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:37 am

Simple answer do as much as you can. Good luck with the surgeries. I skied at 7 weeks and was hiking in the backcountry at 8 weeks. Slow and steady.
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