Harald Harb hips vs shoulders position

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Harald Harb hips vs shoulders position

Postby sgarrozzo » Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:17 am



Hi Harald, from the first time I seen your skiing on the web some years ago I would like to ask you a question about.

in your medium and long radius turn it seems to me that your hips are well counter acted while your shoulders are pointing more towards the turn and the ski. I do not see this in your short radius turn.
It seems to me a very race position and I imagine you do it to improve the smoothness. Also near the end of the turn your hips return near the shoulders and together with your position more on the tail of the ski you are launched into the float.
Is my analysis right or I'm saying something wrong maybe... only my immagination?

But if what I'm saying is right, can you tell me how to be able to keep the hips well where they have to stay and rotate the shoulders as you do. Is there any strategy to adopt and which muscles?

Sorry, but you know my english is for the most part by google translate. :D :D :mrgreen:
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Re: Harald Harb hips vs shoulders position

Postby h.harb » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:15 pm

In bigger more GS turns there is more time for the float between turns, so yes the shoulders can square up as long as you can still hold the edge. You have to hold the hip CA until you feel that your edge hold is enough for your direction and speed control. Some skiers can hold an edge in these situations some cannot, it depends on your ankle strength and tipping angle. The frame you put up may not be the best example as I'm on a powder ski that is 95mm underfoot and is 190cm long. The slope is steep as well. On that wide a ski with less sidecut, It's not unusual to have some upper body following as long as you can still hold a carve. Also, you have to be careful that you don't square up too fast or too early with the idea of starting your counteracting for the next turn. This can happen on a steeper slope when you have more speed.
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Re: Harald Harb hips vs shoulders position

Postby sgarrozzo » Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:42 am

Thank you Harald, I appreciate your answer! :D
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