HH's tipping range

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HH's tipping range

Postby noobSkier » Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:24 pm


On my best day, I might get half this range of motion with my boots off. This can't be just from eversion of the ankle, does this incredible range of motion have something to do with hip flexibility?
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby Vailsteve » Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:04 pm

While I am no PMTS expert, I don't think so. If I focus on Harald's left hip..I am pretty sure that it is not rotated or extended. The foot, ankle and knee ARE everted and tipped.

During my camps, the coaches grilled/drilled me on the movements from the bottom of the foot (tip). then evert the ankle and then the knee-- which forms the basis of the whole kinetic chain.

Everting the ankle, I find, is critical to getting ON the little toe edge. Jay Peterson just ragged on me for not getting my ankle everted, and then placed/slid DIRECTLY down the side of my boot. I was always stepping out a little, which of course made a stem.

After three years of practice, I finally can evert either ankle to a similar position as shown in HH photo. Like everything in PMTS, It is practice practice practice, and is another drill you can do while brushing your teeth. I find this somewhat analogous to drills for loosening your hips for counteracting. At my age --61-- the body does not want to flex or bend easily, so just keep at it.

And Jay was right....placing the foot straight down on the little toe edge, riding that little toe edge (thinking of you Diana), provides a level of control that is amazing.

Now, if I could just consistently ride the little toe edge, AND tip,tippy tip,and tip some more all the way through a turn, AND counter balance, AND counter act, AND pull my feet back, all the while keeping my poles ahead of my boots, I would be happy....

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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby Vailsteve » Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:05 pm

Oops right hip.
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby l2ski » Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:24 am

Try flexing your knees more while tipping. This provides greater range.

While moving, tipping can also be limited due to fore/aft balance. I believe I have a problem
with this because I tend to be back on my heals often, which greatly limits tipping.
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby noobSkier » Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:33 pm

l2ski wrote:Try flexing your knees more while tipping. This provides greater range.

While moving, tipping can also be limited due to fore/aft balance. I believe I have a problem
with this because I tend to be back on my heals often, which greatly limits tipping.

I try to do this as much as possible in my skiing, but looking at HH...he's standing totally upright and is still able to have an impressive range of motion in his tipping. I guess what I am really asking is if theres a flexibility component to tipping that improves over time, or is it largely up to genetics? Try as I might, I'm getting about half of HH's movement...is there any hope for increasing this range of motion?
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby h.harb » Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:40 pm


Practice the range you can get (as much as you can) and then add the matching movement of the other tipping foot and leg. It's more to do with the range of femoral external rotation, rather than hip rotation or hip flexibility. Hip flexibility has to do with counter acting and counter balance..
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby Roundturns » Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:59 pm

I remember when I brought a friend into HH's shop a few years ago to get new boots how Much tipping range the guys in the shop could tip in their street shoes!
I think you need to practice to achieve a greater range of motion.
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby blackthorn » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:02 am

HH says - "Practice the range you can get (as much as you can) and then add the matching movement of the other tipping foot and leg. It's more to do with the range of femoral external rotation, rather than hip rotation or hip flexibility. Hip flexibility has to do with counter acting and counter balance."

I don't quite understand the difference between femoral external rotation and hip "external" rotation. Is this about the ability of a flexed knee joint to have a small amount of internal/external rotation femur vv tibia/fibula?
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby nickia » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:28 pm

My left had limited ROM than right until I did some dryland exercises. On dryland, check your ankle eversion range of motion and flexibility on both foot. See if they match.

Then, check your femur rotation on both legs: sitting on a chair and turn your knee outward.

The kinetic chains start with your foot but I think it is possible to improve your tipping ROM by targeting each part of the kinetic chain individually (ankle eversion and femur rotation) and increase flexibility.

I think this video illustrates femur external rotation:

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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby noobSkier » Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:14 pm

h.harb wrote:http://harbskisysems.blogspot.com/2017/01/pmts-harb-ski-systems-building-expert.html

Practice the range you can get (as much as you can) and then add the matching movement of the other tipping foot and leg. It's more to do with the range of femoral external rotation, rather than hip rotation or hip flexibility. Hip flexibility has to do with counter acting and counter balance..

Thanks Harald, I will do my best!
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby h.harb » Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:44 pm

Range of motion also has to do with where your inside foot is at the point of release and during the turn. If it's forward you lose range of motion tipping that leg and knee.
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Re: HH's tipping range

Postby DougD » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:20 am

h.harb wrote:Range of motion also has to do with where your inside foot is at the point of release and during the turn. If it's forward you lose range of motion tipping that leg and knee.

I was working on this last time out. Sneaked a look at my inside ski tip and was saddened to see it sometimes creeping as much as 6-8" ahead of the stance ski tip. :cry:

As you and other coaches have posted, you have to pull that inside foot back HARD, and keep pulling it back through the whole turn. Even when focussed on that, it wasn't easy to keep my tips as close to even as you do. Grrr!
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