Comparing National Demo Teams

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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby MarcS » Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:03 pm

Thankyou Harald. For me your responses always clarify the uniqueness and importance of PMTS. I hope you don't ever get tired of enlightening us.
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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby DougD » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:52 am

h.harb wrote:I always think to myself first, before answering, what would Hirscher do, what would Neureuther do in these situations? They have the right amount of flexing, tipping and a straight leg when the forces are high, they relax and flex to get the knee look. That is when you see the knees under the body bent, looks like knee drive but at a different time. And when you see that with Hirscher, etc. the forces are gone, it's already a transition. With these guys, the PSIA the Aussi guys, they have knee drive with pressure loaded into the knees. That is bad mojo.
However, the PSIA guys have thier skis flat and the speeds are non-existent, so there is less damage.

This is a wonderful post!
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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby h.harb » Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:56 am

And if you look further at all the top guys W.C. except most that are on Fischer boots, you will see bowed legs in transition, not knees together. This is because they are trying to get the little toe edge tipped first. The National Systems instructors are trying to get their big toe engaged. Different philosophy different results.

Thanks for the comments, I'm only pointing out what is obvious. If your study and you analyze , and base your understanding of skiing to the forces, which should guide your interpretation, rather than a system dogma, you'll see it. Notice when I describe what the best in the world do, compared to Demo Teams, I don't compare one system to the other. I compare the movements and the outcomes.
The PSIA can't do that, they just say it's all good skiing. The reason is first, they can't admit they are skiing poorly and second they can't do analysis the way we do it because they aren't movement based, they are skill based. A skill is in the eye of the beholder and movement is there or it's not, proof rather than myth. It's not that the PSIA can't see good skiing when it happens, they just prefer to believe in myth.
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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby h.harb » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:13 pm

I have received a few comments about this article and others, about PSIA demo team skiing, from PSIA instructors. They mostly say that I'm setting up the demo team, with "one" bad picture and that I'm not representing the demo team fairly. Well, my answer to that is, look at the videos yourself and stop the frames where ever you like. If you don't see it, take off your PSIA glasses. With the dozen or so frames that I randomly stopped, and posted, there are either 2 or three skiers in a wedge, stepping up, "A framed" or squared up (rotating), or squatted down.

The PSIA thinks that they are above being shown and analyzed for what they ski like. Any organization that pretends to be excellent and are not; gets criticized in any country with the possible exception of Russia, Korea, and China. Why would anyone watch their skiing and say that it's great? It's flat out not good and they don't know why, that's the sad part.

BTW. I should add, I picked some of the best frames, of teh demo group skiing, if they really want to see reality; I can post far worst, they put this on You Tube, not me.
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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby MarcS » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:30 pm

Harald I am totally with you. I just got some criticism on another thread for not thinking that some of the Aussies (I am one) are good skiers (what ever that means). With my PMTS glasses on the demo skiing does not look like Haralds or WC skiing.
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Re: Comparing National Demo Teams

Postby skijim13 » Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:01 am

For the PSIA to grow they need to stop attacking others for pointing out their poor skiing and open their eyes and see the truth. I came from a PSIA background, a friend brough over Haralds Performance Free skiing video and I knew that is how I wanted to ski and from that day on I was sold on PMTS. I have never seen a demo team members skiing near that level of perfomance, I now know you can't obtain it using the PSIA model of skiing. The sad thing many PSIA members work really hard training with no real results.
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