3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

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3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:32 pm

The exercise is transferring to the LTE without extension on the uphill leg.
This is obviously cautious skiing for me and it is an exercise. However, since that week my leg is twice as strong and the muscles at least twice the size,. I'm very encouraged about skiing in November, 6 more weeks of training before that day.
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby jbotti » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:06 pm

Mt Hood at its worst? Were you up there coaching?
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:18 pm

We had two weeks of camp, the training on the courses was great, everything else sucked. The public lane was good, and the snow was even white-ish.
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby NoCleverName » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:09 pm

Leaving aside for a moment your superior skills to begin with, this vid should give hope to the older, fragile skier who thinks his days on the snow are numbered. It clearly shows PMTS movements can be sparse, easily accomplished, and result in very knee-friendly skiing. Even though a couple of those phantoms weren't "textbook", the skiing was always secure and you did not have to resort to anything heroic to make a nice turn. The speed control afforded by PMTS was especially obvious.

This is the part of PMTS I like: I know I'm not likely to be injured trying to ski. Now, if the slopes were perfectly empty ... I'd really be safe! :D
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby DougD » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:21 pm

Indeed... and Super Phantoms were the perfect exercise, since they utterly preclude any twisting or rotation. That effortless flotation during each transition is just what the orthopedist ordered!

Kudos to your bravery and hard work, and even more to your skiing intelligence.
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:34 pm

Thanks all. Yes, PMTS has the most efficiency and requires the least amount of strength of any system, to ski well.

However, what you have to consider, I did a crash 5 month training program before I went into surgery, thousands of squats, lunges, Plyos, and uphill running. My legs were stronger then I had them in years. I used up what was left of the arthritic knee, because I knew it was going away. It was painful, but absolutely necessary.

I was also very lean when I went into surgery, 145 pounds, and I stayed that way and even got lighter during rehab, carrying extra weight makes recovery and the knee more difficult to recover. After surgery, I began immediately with rehab and I pushed to the limits. This has both ups and downs, not to mention many painful nights. While I was waiting for my knee to recover from surgery, staples etc (the first few weeks not much strength work can be introduced to the leg). I was conditioning my hips, back, and abs as well as my upper body. I spends hours of boredom on a stationary bike, in whirlpools and swimming. And I pushed with pain, regardless of how I felt in the morning.

Yes, you can do many things after you recover from knee replacements, but few have skied at three months. Just want to make the expectations realistic. And remember it isn't a race. Most people take their time, they take a year or more. They don't want to push that hard and be in pain everyday. It's all in your motivation, but in the end, if you do the work, you will be rewarded. My friend Hermann Gollner, had his knee done 5 years before me. He told me, it's not for the weak of heart. He is a tough guy, when you hear that from a guy like him, its revealing. Of course, he pushed hard as well, and was very impatient, but that's the nature of the beast.
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby NoCleverName » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:45 pm

You're in better shape than you've been in years? Great. You're going to beat the s--t out of us at camp. :twisted:
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Re: 3 months and 2 weeks post total knee replacement skiing

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:01 pm

You are going to be lucky, I'm taking it easy, until I get a real sense of the limitations.
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