Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

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Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby Radiater » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:54 am

This is my 4th year skiing and first full year using PMTS movements in my skiing. I decided to give the Green/Blue camp a go as it fell perfectly with a vacation week. At the end of last season I purchased Harald's ACBAES I and II books and read them and watched the DVDs REPEATEDLY. I built my own slant board and practiced this fall with it.

Before this camp I went to my local mountain for a couple of days of practice with some of the book drills to get ready and it was a help. Flew into Denver on the Sunday before the camp and drove an hour to Dumont to the Ski Shop for an alignment and boot check. I was really looking forward to this and it paid off tremendously . When I arrived Harald and Diana greeted me warmly which was welcome after a long trip across country.

Harald performed my foot analysis and measurements and alignment assessment himself. We discussed some of my challenges and goals while skiing and then he checked my current boots. Much to my wallet's dismay I discovered the ski boots I already owned had not been properly fitted and were a size too large. I had too much volume in my boots which allowed my feet to slip encouraging a lot of back seat skiing. As an aside I bought these boots from a certified US ski boot fitter but NOT a PMTS boot fitter. Don't make the same mistake I did, find a PMTS boot fitter, it will be worth your trouble.

So I bit the bullet and purchased the correct size Head Raptors at Harald's suggestion. This turned out to be a key to success at the camp. Harald spent 3 hours with me on the day I bought boots getting them to fit right and then modified them a bit more during the camp. The other boot fitter, maybe an hour and a half with NO foot evaluation or alignment evaluation.

Monday morning arrived and I believe there were 25 for so campers and we were divided into 4 groups with 4 instructors...Harald, Diana, Bob H and Rich. For those that haven't been to Granby Ranch Colorado it is mix of mostly green and blue slopes which are perfect for the kind of drills and practice PMTS uses. It is a pretty little place nestled in Granby Colorado.

I was fortunate enough to be placed with a great group of 5 other people, some were as far away as New Zealand, Australia and Nova Scotia. Ages in my group ranged from mid 30s to low 70s. The group was randomly put together based on general skill level evaluated on the first morning by the instructors. Our group turned out to be very cohesive and supportive of each other. Also have to put a big plug in here for the coaching. Our group had Bob H for the first 3 days and he was excellent. Bob has a no nonsense approach to teaching drills but also has a great sense of humor and likes to have some fun . The group and both of our coaches (Bob and Harald) joked back and forth.

The last two days we had Harald. I have to admit I was a little bit in awe of Harald and a bit nervous about what he might do to us. Turns out Harald is one of the most down to earth and fun loving people I've ever met. It was a special treat to be coached by the person who developed PMTS.

Over the course of the 5 days many weakness were exposed and we were put through various drills to help us deal with them. We had a great time with each other and our coaches all week.

If you are reading this and haven't been to one of the PMTS camps I would highly recommend that you sign up. While the exercises in the books and DVDs are well explained there are definite nuances that tie it all together that were made clear at the camp. A certified coach with an eye like a hawk is watching you to help you progress and one last point......VIDEO DOES NOT LIE. Video may be the single biggest thing to clearly show you where you are not performing when analyzed by someone who is trained in PMTS.

There were many important points made during camp by Bob and Harald but the biggest in my mind is Little Toe Edge....Learn to balance on it, learn to tip with it, and learn to love it. Think about it before you go to bed and think about it when you wake up. While walking through the airport in my boots I found myself walking more on my little toe edges. Did I mention that the Little Toe Edge was the most important? If I didn't Bob H will call my cell and remind me. Also for Bob's sake.... Flexion, Pull feet back, Tipping, Counter Balance and Counter Acting.

I believed in PMTS before I went to camp and after camp I know it will be the only method that I continue to use while skiing. Again if you are even remotely interested in PMTS, buy the books and DVDs, study them and get some time in a camp. The camp was unbelievably great and I would consider it indispensable in implementing PMTS.

Thank you again to Harald, Diana, Bob H, Rich.

Ben S
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby h.harb » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:35 am

Thank you for your review and the glowing report! It's a credit to the people we get at camp. Highly motivated, very humble and they have a great learning ethic. It's the people that come to our camps that makes ski teaching so much fun for us. The group had amazing support for each other and that just creates a relaxed atmosphere and a perfect learning environment. Way to go guys!!
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby klou » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:36 am

Best ski instruction ever. Thanks Harald!
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby JerryS » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:51 pm

Yes, it was quite an experience, well stated Ken. I just want to add one more thing. The camp descriptions describe the camp, but do not describe how hard all four of the coaches work during a camp. Not only are they on the hill for 3 1/2 hours each day(Green Blue Camp), but they spend lunch reviewing video with each group for an hour to an hour and a half, then working on alignment issues till late afternoon, and then often working after dinner nearby in someone's garage to add the plates and machine the toe pieces to complete the finalized alignment for each person's boot. Their passion for skiing is immense, at no time was talking shop off limits. They truly remove any excuses for not having a good camp, it was a pleasure to work with the PMTS coaches over the course of the week.
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby h.harb » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:54 pm

We love the people we ski with, they really appreciate and notice what goes into a Harb Ski Camp.
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby DougD » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:00 am

I certainly noticed the positive and effective coaching, and I was just a hanger-on... only there because my partner was attending.

I stayed out of the way, but couldn't help but be impressed by the level of attention and effort all four coaches put forth. Michael's skiing improved immensely and he had a great time. He came home talking excitedly about building a slantboard and doing other PMTS exercises at home. For a non-athlete who never got on much with skiing before, the change was remarkable.

Diana did adjust my alignment - a big improvement - and I demoed Head i.SS Speeds for a day. Wow! Normally I free ski without a plan. I'd actually planned to go to Winter Park for some "real" terrain, but being surrounded by PMTS changed all that. I spent the entire week on the wide, green trails at Granby where the coaching was going on, doing various PMTS drills solo. The improvement in my own skiing was substantial. Just being immersed in the camp spirit was a big help. Thanks to all who put up with me!
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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby skijim13 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:35 am

Glad your experience was great, Lorie and I also had a great experience at the Superblue Camp. I had Harald as my coach for the first three days and Walter the last two days both exceeded my expectations. When I skiing at my home mountain and start to use a extension I can hear Walter said "Thats not It" in my head and I stop. Hope to ski again with you at Killington in the future and see the great changes you made in your skiing.

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Re: Green/Blue Camp Feb 8-13 2015 at Granby Ranch Review

Postby DougD » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:19 am

Hi, Jim.

BTW, your suggestion at Killington to close up my stance was spot on. Successfully did so at Granby, which improved my ability to CA, CB and tip.

I decided NOT to post the video that Greg (SkiFastDDS) shot of me at Killington. It was my first two days of the season so nothing was working right. Further, it turns out I was coming down with a cold/flu that tensed up all the muscles in my core. I could barely move my hips that weekend and it certainly impacted my skiing. I've got video from Granby that looks like a different skier. I'll post that for MA when I get a moment.

Look forward to skiing with you and Lori again whenever you're up our way.
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