MA request for deicreo

Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Kiwi » Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:32 am

I posted a reply about your transition having an extension in it then deleted the post thinking I could be wrong., However after reading the whole thread again I have decided to post my comments again because you take your skiing seriously and are making steady progress. But more importantly if there is an extension you will need to correct it sooner rather than later as it will compromise your skiing.

First, let me say I would have liked to have seen more video.

While I see a little flexion at the start of your release in your latest footage it appears to me that you follow this with extension of the inside leg to complete the release. I am not referring to the movement of the hips through transition.

I say this because the inside leg, timing wise, extends earlier than I would expect to it see it and this corresponds to your hips moving across the skis. Further, when I look at your tipping it appears late and this is what I would expect to see with an extension of the inside leg in the reslease. If there is an extension the tipping will always be deficient in both the timing and amount of tipping you can achieve.

I note that Max501 agrees there is flexion however I think he is also inferring there could be a extension of the new stance leg too early in the new turn as opposed to what I think may be happening which is the extension is part of the release.

In my view, if you are truly committed to you stance leg at transion a small flex would be enough to fully release. If you are not fully loaded on the stance leg you might have an extension creeping in to complete the release or it could be residual from earlier.

You need to satisfy yourself you have a true flex to release as it is critical to your developement.

Exaggerate flexion; try increasing your stance leg flexion at transition until both knees are equally flexed, and only extending the new stance leg once the release is complete and only to keep snow contact. Ie no push, and keep your stance narrow.

In Pmts skiing you want to lead with inside foot tipping but any extension will block this.

On this last point, I have just seen Diana Rogers eVideo on the Harb website "drbrushcarve", and only $10, if you have not seen this I recommend it to you and suggest that you praxtice the progressive tipping and control of stance foot engagement, confirm with video, it is a must for all PMTS practitioners and extremely well done. It will help with every essential movement in your skiing.
Last edited by Kiwi on Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:47 am

I must say that you skiing is amazing, epsecially considering when you started....your progression has been quite remarkable.

I have watched your videos forwards/ backwards/ slowmo & frame by frame - i have even compared them side by side with some of HH should get yourself the UBERSENSE App if you want to be able to analyse for yourself.

Fist of all, your CA and CB is good and i can see that you are committed to the outside ski throughout your turn. You have a very subtle Phantom move, but it is evident. Your stance width is good as is your pole plant.

However, the area that i think needs addressing is during the final stage of your turn and the initial stage of your transistion. It doesn't look like you are actively flexing the inside leg at the end of the turn. Consequently, when you transfer your balance to that ski (new stanc leg) and start your phantom move, there is a slight extension of the 'new' stance leg...i think that this is refered to as a 'flase phantom'..its very subtle and i had trouble in this area. It was eventually removed by simply relaxing at the end of the turn. When you get it right, it feels like your are 'flowing' from one turn to the next. As for exercising this movement, try linking very slow Two Footed Releases with EXAGGERATED flexion - it will look like you are skiing moguls/ bumps but on groomed piste.

The key is relaxation....and it starts right at the end of the turn. In ACBAES 2, Chapter 7, HH refers to it as 'using the force'...The realisation comes when you realise that BOTH legs need to flex - they are just flexed at different rates and amounts..
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Kiwi » Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:16 am

Go large or go home' s post describs it well. You aim to develope the turn through flexing and tipping with the out side leg extending in response to the turn developing. The outside leg does not develope the turn the tipping does. Let the skis do the work.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby DougD » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:31 pm

Oggy, thanks for finding that. It seems you and I were both paying attention to the wrong thing (hips rising, or not), so thanks to Max, Kiwi and GoLarge for stepping in to offer a better MA than mine.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Kiwi » Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:32 pm

DougD your post was good, your saw the subtle move. Hips are notoriously bad for MA because there is no point of reference like one kneecap against the other and the fact the hips actually do rise through transition without extension. HH has lots of early posts on this, I like the hinged stick explanation as it is definitive. A lot of old school instructors make this mistake.

The other movement that I think creates a similar optical, albeit subtle, effect is the translation of the hips from aft to forward during a foot pullback. If a skier moves forward in transition this hip displacement will be combined with the other movement of the hips. Optical it hard to see a pull back unless you are side on to the skier.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Max_501 » Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:00 pm

Work on the Power Release and exaggerate holding the flex as you change edges -

Intermediate looks like this -

Expert level on a steep pitch looks like -

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