Carver MA September for Gepardi

Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby Gepardi » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:35 am

Hi All
Firstly, a big thanks again to Max501, polecat and geoffda for their feedback. I also received a couple of private feedbacks from two other forum members. Together, this really has been invaluable for me. I’m grateful for the time each of you took to view, analyse and provide such useful constructive criticism. I hope that eventually one day I will be able to repay this generosity by contributing MA feedback in this forum for like-aspiring PMTS skiers – but for the present, that is a pipedream!

My carver vid in July was attempting two-footed releases on this same road. So for my last of the carver season I’ve slowed things down and returned to two-footed releases. Hopefully any progress can be identified and advice on what to focus when the skiing season restarts can be given.
Recently, I have been working on my flexing and hip movement for transition, (trying - and significantly failing, I reckon - to exemplify the movement HH illustrates in the Tipping Essentials DVD), also worked on transfer balance to little toe edge, counter-balance and calming my arms and poles.
Having looked at this September vid I am not sure what it is I am seeing at transition! Is it a dysfunctional up movement or an acceptable hip movement? Help! I've got a horrible feeling that it's an up movement. :( What’s OK with the transition (if anything) and what do I need to work on?

During these runs my main focus was on counter-balance. Because I had taken a couple of nasty falls early in the season when my right turn was too wide and my wheels ran into a broken asphalt crack towards the road edge, I reckon I have been shying away from early counter-balance. Anyhow, as someone observed, I really have to work on getting early counter-balance in particular when carving on this road and I feel especially with my right turn, with questionable results, so far.

So, what I am asking for from this MA? If possible, compare it with July vid and identify any progress and most importantly advise on what to focus on when the skiing season starts, any analysis of my two-footed release and transition would be especially helpful. Thanks guys and every good wish for the forthcoming season. :D

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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby polecat » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:00 pm

Compared to the July vid, I’m seeing significant improvements. Back then you had very little weight transfer and you were rotating a lot more into the turns.

This time you have much better weight transfer and your feet are close together. But there’s still room for improvement, you aren’t committing fully to the transfer yet.

You’re right about the up movement. It’s still lurking in there. Maybe it’s the narrow road and your brain is rushing the next turn. You might try going back to that big flat parking lot from your June vid and doing some big slow turns with slow, very deliberate flexing releases. Then progressively tighten them.

You appear to be bending at the waist a bit. I don’t know if it’s a byproduct of trying to flex (maybe your brain is saying flex down but your body is responding by bending down?) or counterbalance (maybe you brain says bend sideways but the body bends forward?). Either way, you need more counteracting. More counteracting will make tipping easier.

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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby Gepardi » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:00 am

Thanks polecat - again, it is so helpful to get the benefit of confirmation and/or insights from experienced PMTS eyes. I should get one session in this weekend at my local car park and intend to work on my transition and counter as suggested. The wet weather and darkening nights are now the limiting factors for carving training opportunities here. However, I think I should manage another handful of sessions, perhaps more, before the freezing weather and consequent grit spreading renders the asphalt "uncarvable"! But by then the skiing season will be that much closer! :D
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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby docmartin » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:18 am

it looks very stiff to me. that's probably not a particularly useful comment since I don't have any pointers as to how to become looser. two things i notice that have not been mentioned: you have a weird tilt going on with your head, most pronounced in your left turns. it's because you focus so hard on the cw/ca. keep your neck straight, don't tilt it to the side. also, you should spread your arms more and keep your hands higher. i have not been to any pmts camps so take my comments with a grain of salt.
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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby geoffda » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:47 am

Good comments from Polecat and docmartin. I'm with Polecat--really great improvement since your last video. You are going to have to loosen up your hips if you want to take your carving up another level. Right now, they are locked up and that is going to make it very difficult for you to both counterbalance and counteract. Some of that is due to how much you are breaking at the waist, and much of it is just due to how tense you are overall. My guess is that as you get more mileage, you will start to relax. Rather than trying to add new movements (which will likely impede your ability to relax), I'd suggest keeping your focus on tipping and continuing to reinforce good movements. Keep on doing what you are doing until it is second nature and you don't have to think so hard about it. Hopefully, achieving that state will coincide with achieving a level of relaxation that will enable you to begin to develop some of the other movements. Once you get back on skis, post some video so we can see your progress!
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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby federico » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:24 pm

Hi Gepardi!

In your turn to the left your CB is executed with shoulders but your right hip
is too high most of times!

I think that better awardness of hips level could help you a lot and maybe
eliminates your excessive bending.
I suggest to perform hip-o-meter with an extra pair of poles
(don't perform free hands for safety and confidence...).

With compliments for your dedication,
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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby Gepardi » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:52 pm

I've already thanked polecat for his helpful feedback. I decided to acknowledge and thank you, docmartin and geoffda, for your analysis by trying to put into practice some of your pointers and advice. Unfortunately, the inclement weather here meant that it took a bit longer than I had anticipated! It has been extremely wet, more rain than normal for this time of year. Anyhow, I was able to get some video today, although I was fighting against the wind coming mainly towards me on each run. What I have tried to focus on in these runs is flexing to release, getting rid of that recent up movement, committed weight transfer, early counter balance, free foot pull back, increasing counter and not depending on the poles for balance. The stiffness I have left alone as I agree it is there but hopefully will reduce with mileage and more hip suppleness and awareness, as various of you have suggested. In my second and especially my third run the final turn to the right shows a lack of release and committed transfer (I think). I have neeeded to work on my right turn weight/balance transfer commitment, my weight has tended to move a bit back and forth between stance and free foot during the top part of the turn due I think to a lack of counterbalance and forward balance and may be because I don't always fully release by flexing. I think my fourth run is better in this respect but still shows signs of a wobble and more to be worked on, especially I think flexing and little toe edge holding.

I did these runs prior to reading federico's post. So Fedrico, thanks for the reminder about the hip-o-meter, this is now going to be a priority tool for me, especially when the skiing season starts! Here is the vid as a way of acknowledging all your feedback, polecat, docmartin and geoffda, and saying thanks for your analyses, comments and encouragement, including Federico! :-) We are now united in our wait till the snow once again caresses our skis!

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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby ToddW » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:31 pm


Take a look at the O-frame you get at 1:20 and then pat yourself on the back. That flash of light between your knees at transition is skiing goodness. Try to get this in more of your turns and work (harder) on flexing to release. Early and continued tipping and flex to release ... exaggerated tipping and flexing. Keep Geoff's comment about tight hips and relaxation in mind as you work on this.

Your carvering is better than your skiing was in April, so 2011-2012 should be a fun season as your carvering gains transfer to snow :D
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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby rwd » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:04 pm


I think some adjustment to your basic stance would be very helpful. Look at your stance in profile. A relaxed basic stance aligns the nose and knees over the toes and the hips over the heels. You are bending far forward at the waist and your hips are always behind your heels. Try some straight running down the gentle slope in the relaxed stance while you look down the hill, not at your feet. Then try some easy, long radius turns with phantom move, or even just a single turn ending up the hill, concentrating on the tall relaxed stance. You should relax the free leg to initiate the turn, but you must also allow the stance leg to extend as the turn develops. Don't try to work on too many things at once. I hope this helps, and I look forward to followup video.

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Re: Carver MA September for Gepardi

Postby polecat » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:05 pm

Well done Gepardi. definitely improved over the last vid. Your transitions are smoother and more fluid.

So keep working it, keep adding even more CA and CB and especially more flex.

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