My first video

My first video

Postby nrjones » Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:56 pm

Hi Everyone,

Well I've been reading, analyzing, experimenting, and trying to implement (although we lots of hard work and some frustration :D ) Harold's teachings through his books and videos over the past few years (and I attended a camp three years ago), as well as commentary posted to this forum (which is excellent BTW). Unfortunately (for my skiing progression), the last couple of years have been laxed because of the birth of my first daughter into this world last ski season (2009-2010). Therefore, the last couple of ski seasons, there has been minimal on hill skiing (trying to do as many drills in the basement as I can!). The video below is my 3rd ski day this year. :(

Find below some links to recent video I posted on youtube. I've attached three links. The first two links are just of me and the last link is another with my father, who was a star hockey athlete back in his day who started skiing in his late 20's and now after going through aortic valve replacement surgery last fall, starting skiing again at Christmas and is almost approaching 70! (mad that he won't be able to ski 1 million vertical feet this season because of his surgery!)

Anyhow, I have a lot of my own critique in regards to equipment set-up, body awareness, and movement execution. However, I wanted to post my video's first before going through my laundy list of to do's/items to work on. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Harold, you may remember me from a early season camp a few years ago. Thank you very much for organizing a forum where some of us can post, read, analyze, respond, suggest, experiment and try to implement your thoughts and suggestions as well as others that regular contribute to this forum. Your efforts and those of others are greatly appreciated.


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Re: My first video

Postby Max_501 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:43 am

Since you've had been to a camp you might want to run through this list before getting feedback here. Look at each element carefully and consider the video as if it was a different skier you were trying to help improve. After running through the list what do you think is the number one thing that needs work?

Things to consider for MA -

Does the release start by flexing the outside leg?
Does LTE tipping lead engagement to the new turn?
Are the feet pulled back at transition?
Is the inside foot held back throughout the turn?
Is there enough CB and CA and is the timing right?
Strong inside arm?
Is the pelvis included in the CB/CA movement?
Is the inside leg flexed as the turn progresses?
Does the outside leg extend naturally (no pushing) as the turn progresses?
Does LTE tipping continue throughout the turn?
Is there a pole touch and how is the movement and timing?
Alignment - watch the skis and knees carefully - does anything look like it needs go be tipped in or out?
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Re: My first video

Postby nrjones » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:21 pm

Thanks for the feedback Max...much appreciated. I will try to provide my personal observed feedback on some of those items when I have more time to sit and think before writing...

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