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Postby jbotti » Mon May 10, 2010 9:00 am

I am usually the last to believe the marketing BS from ski companies, but some of what I have experienced with the 2011 Head SS is undeniable. Harald, Diana, Max and I have all skied on the 2011 SS and all of us noticed a big difference between it and the old one. It is much stiffer and the tails release much better. I would have bet that they changed the dimensions, but when I checked, the dimensions are unchanged. Then I read what Head said in a press release on KERS and I now beleive that the only difference between the old SS and the 2011 SS is the addition of KERS. For anyone that has seen the video of me wiping out skiing the new SS, I know that the huge snap from the tail would never have occurred on the old SS's.

Here is what Head has released about KERS. I have added the bold and underlining:

HEAD Ski 2010/11

Fomula HEAD - KERS
The new HEAD KERS Technology shakes the World Cup race circuit.

Last year the HEAD racing team was one of the fastest teams of the entire season. And we intend to keep it that way. That’s why we made the fastest skis on earth a little faster for 2010/11. The secret is called KERS Technology. Originating in Formula 1 and putting Didier Cuche, Bode Miller and Co. where they belong: in pole. KERS will be winning loads of medals in the World Cup.

The Extra Boost.

KERS Technology works like a turbo charger that provides additional power and acceleration by stiffening the tail of the ski in outturns. The effect: a boost, catapulting the rider into the next turn. Just like when Formula 1 pilots push a button for that extra notch of speed. HEAD KERS Technology is an electronic, fully automatic and integrated system.

How It Works.

Skis experience maximum flex at the end of a turn. At this moment an active microchip releases energy into the fibers of the tail. The tail of the ski then stiffens up, immediately increasing rebound for maximum acceleration at the end of the outturn.

Technical Background.

HEAD KERS Technology is an evolution of the idea behind HEAD’s Intelligence Technology. But unlike Intelligence, KERS does not influence the torsional stiffness of the ski, KERS empowers the skis’ longitudinal flex. Also KERS Technology is based on a completely new chip capable of accumulating power
and keeping it in store for the right moment. Piezoelectric fibers transform kinetic energy into electrical energy which is stored in the embedded chip in the ski. Electrical energy is immediately released to areas of the ski, where additional energy is requested by the sensor. Timing and release are automatically controlled and coordinated. Depending on the flex pattern of different ski models, sensors are programmed beforehand: the more aggressive the ski has to be, the stiffer the tail will become.

One thing is for sure, KERS makes a big impact on the ski. My guess is that the ITitan might actually be a good ski if it didn't have KERS. Harald said the ski was ay too stiff. I can tell you that you wouldn't wnat that catapult effect from the tail when you are skiing off piste. Perhaps more importantly, in a race ski KERS is everything that a skier wants and I feel confident that people will be raving about Head race skis this year.

I again can't say enough about he 2011 SS. It appears that what I am raving about is KERS. Everybody needs to get some!!
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Re: KERS!!

Postby Max_501 » Mon May 10, 2010 10:46 am

jbotti wrote:I again can't say enough about he 2011 SS. It appears that what I am raving about is KERS. Everybody needs to get some!!

Word of caution. The new 2011 SS is more of an advanced ski. If you find yourself in the back seat at the end of the turn on the new 2011 SS you will be punished for making that mistake.

Harald mentioned that he would likely suggest the TT80 as the replacement for the old SS because it is more forgiving than the new SS.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby jbotti » Mon May 10, 2010 3:15 pm

Yes, agreed. Everyone is incorrect. But for those that can handle a stiffer more race oriented ski, KERS just takes it up a notch!!
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Re: KERS!!

Postby geoffda » Tue May 11, 2010 9:31 am

How is the off-piste performance? It sounds like they have just removed every last ounce of versatility from the new SS and turned it into a slightly turner version of the iSL RD. Somebody please tell me I'm wrong...
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Re: KERS!!

Postby Max_501 » Tue May 11, 2010 10:02 am

geoffda wrote:How is the off-piste performance? It sounds like they have just removed every last ounce of versatility from the new SS and turned it into a slightly turner version of the iSL RD. Somebody please tell me I'm wrong...

Its a rocking ski for carving. I did a quick run in the bumps and found it a bit on the stiff side. The description of a turnier and more forgiving version of the iSL RD is a good one based on my experience on the ski.

From my point of view the TT80 is a great replacement for the old supershape.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby jbotti » Tue May 11, 2010 10:08 am

No, you may be right, but on piste it just rocks!! I would also say that for Harald, Max and me our everyday go to verstile carving ski is now the Icon TT 80. Let me also say that I find the 2011 SS much easier and more relaxing to ski than the ISL RD. I can't comment on the ISL (non RD) because I have never skied it. Since I love the ISL RD but I find it a lot to ski all day, the SS is the perfect solution.

I don't know how the new SS will perfrom off piste. It seems like it will be a little stiff and obviously if you get back it can and will launch you. Still,for the right skier it still may be a nice ski in crud and pow. I do think it wiill be the wrong ski for bumps.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby Max_501 » Tue May 11, 2010 7:56 pm

jbotti wrote:...but on piste it just rocks!!

Very very true. One of the best (if not the best) front side carvers I've had the pleasure of skiing.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby mike davis » Wed May 12, 2010 4:45 pm

I talked with the CA HEAD rep regarding the so called twitchiness of the Titan. He said they had been retuned after the factory tune with a deep chevron pattern and were concave as well. After being correctly tuned we had the chance to ski them the day after 22" of fresh snow. They handled great in crud, chop and groomed. I used a 177 cm and enjoyed the radius. I did not notice an overly stiff tail and thought the ski seemed well balanced. I am looking forward to trying them on hard snow next season. I will have the chance to ski the ISS KERS at MT Hood.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby Gene P » Thu May 13, 2010 9:19 am

I can offer some further feedback which supports John's comments. After about 4 seasons of use, I decided a few weeks ago to replace my Supershapes. I "demoed" the iTT and also a Fischer Progressor 10+ (next season replacement for Fischer 9). While the TT impressed, I decided in the end to order the Supershape. My local dealer got me a 2010/11 version and I had a chance to use it last week in Hintertux while skiing with HH and Co. It did not dissappoint; in fact I would rate it very highly. We had mainly powder conditions so I did not really get a chance to assess the KERS feature on hard snow. However, following 4 days of use, I can confirm it is truely an excellent ski and perfectly suited to skiers with PMTS technique -. both on and off piste. In fact, in modest off piste conditions, it was a real pleasure. If anyone is thinking of it; I would not hesitate. Regards, Gene
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Re: KERS!!

Postby MonsterMan » Thu May 13, 2010 3:47 pm

Alas: "no friends on powder day" meant that Gene was always second to the bottom on those things. (Harald always made us wait until he had chopped up HIS line.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby h.harb » Fri May 14, 2010 5:44 pm

Someone has to make sure it's safe. Wouldn't want anyone to fall into a crevasse, and have to go get them out after the powder day is over.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby h.harb » Fri May 14, 2010 5:50 pm

I don't like the Titan and would no recommend it. It's too stiff, too wide for a shaped ski, it doesn't give you anything over the Magnum (a much better ski) . I think the Elan Denali, is a much better ski.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby h.harb » Fri May 14, 2010 5:59 pm

It sounds like they have just removed every last ounce of versatility from the new SS and turned it into a slightly turner version of the iSL RD.

Although we didn't order many new SS'es for next year, (so if you are interested get them early because there won't be many around) it is a much more versatile ski off piste then the SL/RD.

You will see video of the TT's in real powder and crud, that's a versatile ski. It's got it all on groomers and it rocks in everything except really crunchy, half frozen crud, in steeps. That's where you want a 177cm Monster, it really comes on. I tested almost everything in Hintertux, except really deep light powder, with the TT, it excelled . But if you want to rock on groomers; there is nothing on the market like the new Super Shapes Kers.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby François » Sat May 15, 2010 7:39 am

Gene P wrote:I can offer some further feedback which supports John's comments. After about 4 seasons of use, I decided a few weeks ago to replace my Supershapes. I "demoed" the iTT and also a Fischer Progressor 10+ (next season replacement for Fischer 9). While the TT impressed, I decided in the end to order the Supershape. My local dealer got me a 2010/11 version and I had a chance to use it last week in Hintertux while skiing with HH and Co. It did not dissappoint; in fact I would rate it very highly. We had mainly powder conditions so I did not really get a chance to assess the KERS feature on hard snow. However, following 4 days of use, I can confirm it is truely an excellent ski and perfectly suited to skiers with PMTS technique -. both on and off piste. In fact, in modest off piste conditions, it was a real pleasure. If anyone is thinking of it; I would not hesitate. Regards, Gene

While I won't comment on next years skis, I will say that the carving ski from Fisher that should be tried going on past experience is the WC SC, not the progressors, imho of course.
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Re: KERS!!

Postby mike davis » Sat May 15, 2010 9:35 am

kinetic energy recovery system kers
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