Four Feet of Fresh in Tahoe!!

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Four Feet of Fresh in Tahoe!!

Postby jbotti » Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:22 am

My excitement is overflowing. It apperas that many on this site are in the Colorado area. This storm in the Sierras is one of the biggest of the season. Tomorrow will be one of the best ski days of the year at Squaw. It appear as if the Colorado area may get a decent storm next week, which would be quite nice considering that I and 3 other friends are attending Harald and Diana's all mountain camp at A-basin. It doesn't sound as exciting as the one currently at Big Sky, but with some fresh snow it should be alot of fun. For those on the west coast, see you at Squaw tomorrow.
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Postby -- SCSA » Thu Feb 26, 2004 3:20 pm


Glad you're gettin it!

So you coming out to the Basin? When is that?

Postby jbotti » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:17 am

I'm coming in for Harald's all mountain camp which is held at A-basin.
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Postby skirmastr » Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:55 pm

I live in Reno. Do you ever look for people to ski with? I skied Northstar on Friday and it rocked!

I would like to see how your ski camp helped your skiing.

Let me know.

Mark :
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Postby jbotti » Wed Mar 03, 2004 8:06 am

Yes I do look for people to ski with. We should hook up sometime. I will post about the all mountain camp next week when I get back. And yes I agree, Friday was one amazing ski day (even though Squaw gets skied out in about an hour).
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Ski Tahoe

Postby skirmastr » Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:10 am


Are you planning to ski anytime over the next few weeks.


PS: How was the camp?
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Postby jbotti » Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:19 am

I am headed up to Squaw to ski this weekend. I will be there Saturday and Sunday. Send me an e-mail if you would like to get together. It's
As for the camp, in a word it was awesome! We actually didn't even look at a mogul until late the second day. The bulk of the time was spent on gaining and feeling comfortable with technique that would support efficient skiing in the more difficult terrain. For me alot of the time was spent on eliminating stems in my turns and on really tipping and engaging the non stance leg and ski. After I got some level of succes with this, I next worked on upper and lower body separation, which I badly needed. The progress that I made was remarkable and I left being able to make reasonably short radius turns that were parallel with both skis fully engaged thus producing a truly carved turn (at least most of the time on blue terrain). I was at the bottom of my group in ability coming in and leaving. The results that I saw in everyone were truly amazing. The instruction is beyond what I have experienced anywhere, in any discipline. Diana (who was my group's instructor for the whole weekend) is just simply amazing.
Maybe you will get to see for yourself this weekend.
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