Thanks to all my PMTS friends - 1 year and 1 week

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Thanks to all my PMTS friends - 1 year and 1 week

Postby John Mason » Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:55 pm

I just capped of my 1st year of sking with a trip to Mammoth

Here are 2 pics from the cornice bowl

Looking Left

Looking Right

I appreciate what I've learned in year one and look forward to getting smoother and more effortless in year 2.
John Mason
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Postby milesb » Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:20 pm

Ah, icy morning bumps on Cornice Bowl. For you to even be on that slope in those conditions is an achievement with your relative newness. Congrats!
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Thanks Milesb

Postby John Mason » Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:41 pm

Actaully - that's one thing nice about being a 2 coast skier. I've skied 2 times at Holiday Valley, lots of weekends here at Paoli Peaks or Perfect North, they both get their share of ice. So, Ice - just edge more and be ready for anything.

The spring conditions at Mammoth were nice 'cause we'd go over to the side that was still hard from the overnight freeze and ski while most everyone else was on the side the sun was softening up. Seemed like nice stuff to me (not like Big Sky - that was heavenly snow) but lots better than eastern ice. Totally skiable though, without the crowds - even on Saturday.
John Mason
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Postby -- SCSA » Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:04 am

John Mason,

You rock! That's way cool, that you're skiing that stuff after just 1 year.

I wanna make turnz with John Mason! :D

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:42 pm

all your pmts friends????

108 registered users?

get the new server ready....this is going to be huge

Postby Mister. T » Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:42 am

GUEST, do you always need to have a negative attitude about every single things people here have to say? Sure some posts may be less a success than others, but still don't you have anything better to do? Or, don't you know any better? Or do you suggest that all PSIA people are your friends? Remember I am also with PSIA and I probably have 2-3 friends out of 50+ in my Ski School. So?
Mister. T

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:09 am

Mister. T wrote: Remember I am also with PSIA and I probably have 2-3 friends out of 50+ in my Ski School. So?

Maybe that's a reflection on you, no? :roll:

Mister T

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:39 am

Maybe it is a reflection on me or maybe I don't need any more than 3-4 friends. I shop for quality and not quantity, after all.
But my point was that it is not true that in PSIA they are all buddy-buddy till death forces them to part. So what's your point if John wants to say something to his PMTS friends? Are you envious? I do not know him, I did not ski with him and still I can recognize in his joy. You cannot, but that is your problem and that reflects on you, this time.

Gosh guest

Postby John Mason » Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:21 pm

PMTS friends. Like minded individuals in how they approach ski technique. These people are used to fast progressions, legs that aren't needlessly sore, and carving turns. You can discuss skiing with them on the slopes and appreciate their input and correction.

I met up with a PMTS forum person for a tour of A-basin and we had a great time. I had never met him before. He encouraged me to get into practicing with a tipping board. Nice guy. I bet lots of PMTS folks are nice guys. That's not to say PSIA types are not nice people. My first PSIA lesson was with a nice and sincere guy that was an upper level PSIA teacher that had taught for 30 years. I spent lots of time after that lesson undoing bad movement patterns that I faithfully picked up in that first lesson.

So I'm not saying that a PSIA type (whatever that means) couldn't be my friend either, its just the logical, scientific, wanting to get better mindset of a PMTS student naturally is more my type of person than a PSIA type person that can't even agree on a type of turn to aspire turn or not even believe there is such a thing. I'm not trying to stereotype but it was my impression from the bashing I took at epic in my earlier postings over there.
John Mason
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Postby John Mason » Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:12 pm

edited a more succinct reply in the prior post to this
John Mason
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Postby milesb » Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:22 pm

Anonymous wrote:all your pmts friends????

108 registered users?

get the new server ready....this is going to be huge

Some people just have a different way of offering congratulations, I guess. :roll:
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Postby Hunter » Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:44 pm

I don't support your polarised view on PMTS at the expense of PSIA John.
But I admire your passion for skiing and that is the main thing. 8)
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Postby Guest » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:59 am


That's a pretty funny post. I'm not sure if it's tongue in cheek or head in @ss, but it was quite informative as to your mind set. I guess the folks in your neighborhood that drive Fords versus your Chevy are not candidates for friendship either. :roll: I'm sure that some here look at your posts here as a glowing testimonial for PMTS, but IMO, it hurts the PMTS cause overall. After all, who wants to hang out with an idiot like you? You should grab all the friends you can, PSIA or otherwise. When I'm riding up the lift, should I judge the guy next to me based on the quality of his skiing? I think if you give it some thought, you'll understand what a stupid viewpoint you've drawn here.

BTW SCSA, it looks like you have competition as the main PMTS puppet.

Postby -- SCSA » Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:54 am

Hi Guest,

Oh, I know! It's great that others have stepped forth with their enthusiasm. See? There really are more than 1 of me! :P :lol: But I think these he/she/its here have a lot of work to do, to approach the infamous "PMTS Wacko" status. :lol:

Stick around Guest. But keep it clean and no hitting below the belt, eh? :?: Like, I don't think it's cool to call someone an idiot. Guest, I know you're a smart Guest. I bet you don't think it's cool, either.

If you don't think PMTS is that great, just explain to us crazies why, that's all! Tell us where you feel the weaknesses are and why.

Be cool Guest, see ya around!

Postby piggyslayer » Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:08 am

? ? idiot like you ??

Dear Guest,
Do I sense a little envy about PMTS? After all, what else could possibly cause a guy (am I assuming sex correctly?) like you to spend precious off slopes time on giving such in-depth psychological evaluations to PMTS folks? If you indifferent about PMTS why don?t you leave us be?

So what is it about PMTS that is bugging you so much? Are you trying to convert us? improve us in some way? can you go about your life without showing us our wicked ways? Why is our ?moral? and on slope behavior of such importance to you?
Why don?t you open up? Hey, we will give you a free psychological evaluation as well! But before that happens we would like to learn more about you, so we do not jump to conclusions as some other people would?

John, keep up good work, I look forward skiing with you some day in the future (hopefully next year on an All Mountain camp?).
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