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PMTS Forum

Postby -- SCSA » Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:16 am

I've always said, that all the observation from afar is...stupid. People think they can pick up one of HH's books, scan over a few pages, and then they have it.


Way wrong!

You want to learn about something, you have to experience the product first hand. Like you can't learn to program or use a computer well from books. You learn to write code by writing code for real world situations -- not by following along in some book. You learn to use a PC well by killing it a few times.

Therefore, you learn PMTS by doing it and having someone trained in PMTS give you feedback.

We learn to balance on all 4 edges and we lean to make turns with our downhill foot. Skiing does not get any more pure, than PMTS. As a wacko consumer of ski products and instruction, I'll say there's no better product or company for me, than PMTS and HSS.



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