Is PMTS for me?

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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby marsound » Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:59 pm

lehrski wrote:I've been lurking in these forums for a while and finally bought "Anyone can be an expert skier 1"...

You have the book - have you done any of the exercises?
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby ToddW » Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:59 pm

lehrski wrote:Maybe I'm not understanding this correctly, but with PMTS there seems to be an end goal of skiing perfectly .... but how do you work on technique without losing the ecstasy of skiing?

There's definitely an element of delayed gratification in greatly improving your skiing. Only you can decide if it's worth your while. If it is, there is no faster route than PMTS.

Imagine making a turn you never thought you could. There's an element of ecstasy to that. And a season or two later you routinely make that amazing turn that you dreamed about every night through that first summer. And a few seasons later you've moved far beyond those turns and your dreams are now filled with the ever stronger turns you're just beginning to make and of the kinesthetic pleasure they brought you. Working on PMTS technique brings skiing pleasure; that's why we do it. Our focus on what you call skiing perfectly is because that focus greatly accelerates our learning curve. (Practice makes permanent, so it behooves one to practice with precision.)
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby lehrski » Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:39 am

Thanks all for your thoughtful replies. I have taken the winter off work and I'm skiing every day (trying to hit every resort in the western US and Canada on the max and mountain collective passes). These replies, along with this trip, have really helped me figure out what my motivations/goals are with skiing. I really value skiing with friends and family. One of the best days this year was doing green runs with my 9 year old niece. I'm definitely not willing to sacrifice friends for improvement. I think another big part of why I ski is to explore. I love mountaineering and climbing a peak is about as fun as skiing down it. I went backcountry skiing with a friend last weekend. I borrowed an old pair of her cross-country skis that didn't have metal edges and while the skiing was tough and not much fun, I loved being high in the mountains with no one around for miles and thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
I think this fits where I want to go from here:
dan.boisvert wrote: It's not like getting into PMTS requires a 5 year moratorium on fun, or you have to wait a decade to see an appreciable difference in your skiing or something. I didn't give up skiing interesting terrain, and video confirms I've gotten progressively better with each camp I've attended. You don't have to make the perfect the enemy of the good; you can just work on your skiing as time/motivation permits, and do whatever you want the rest of the time. As you see the benefit you get from the drills, you can dial up/down the time you invest to suit your goals/mood. I'd suggest investing as much time as you can while keeping it fun, and seeing what happens. Can't hurt to try, right?

I'm going to start doing some of the drills in the book when I warm up in the morning and see about attending a camp next year.
Thanks all!
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby h.harb » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:13 am

There is a certain mentality that goes along with trying to do things "well" as opposed to just participating. PMTS is not for everyone. It's about motivation if you don't have it don't force it. it's not for you.
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby Darren » Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:49 am

In my experience I always have more fun in the sports that I m good @ & the better I get @ a sport the more fun it becomes. The feeling of accomplishment & the confidence that comes from skiing with efficient moves adds to the fun. Also PMTS will add years to the age I will be able to ski till well reducing my chance of injury as it allows me to ski with the highest control. Though if someone is an adreniline junki & loves the feeling of being on the edge would have the skills to ski faster which might make skiing more dangerous. Its like driving a car it is best to become the best driver possible but becoming a good driver will not make driving safer if your crazy enough to take chances while driving.

Also if you show PMTS skiing to friends & family they are more likely to take up the sport it is no fun fighting gravity snow plowing the feeling of confidence that comes with using efficient movements is so much more fun.

With PMTs will have fun skiing no matter the snow conditions or the terrain. Which I think allows a skier to spend less money instead of seeking perfect conditions to ski in. @ the small local ski hill I ski @ the intermediates & beginners are the skiers that get bored with the hill. l do not think I will ever go heli skiing because it is just to expensive & resistance of the snow uses up a lot of the gravity energy which could have been used for turns. Though different snow conditions does add to the fun of skiing.

I do think money is saved by not taking lessons @ the ski hills which will put you into intermediate rut for ever if you continue to ski the way they teach. Instead learn from the PMTS books & video which will save money make skiing more fun instead of skiing in self doubt & confusion on how to proceed . I do believe Harold has put the info out their with his books, video & with this site that if a skier gets an alignment & maybe the 1% or so that are independent thinkers they can coach themselves into skiing close to their genetic potential. Though not everyone is capable of this path & lessons will help & a lesson is probably the fastest path. I still have to get an alignment & have never taken a PMTS lesson have used PMTS books & video though from my 40 plus years of skiing experience I know PMTs is the right path to take. The best skiers I have seen have by passed traditional lessons or never used the teachings
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby Ken » Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:20 pm

HeluvaSkier wrote: "I had not actually learned anything about how to ski. I relied on a fair amount of natural talent and athleticism combined with watching a mimicking skiers who I thought were good skiers. The coaching I had received was all over the place in terms of advice, and it never really helped me improve the fundamentals of my skiing."

Everything he writes is spot on, and...what about us who were born without that big dose of athleticism? I loved skiing but was frustrated at my inability to ski most of the mountain comfortably and have fun. Skiing is about fun. Whatever puts the biggest smile on your face. Some may revel in their technical skills to perfect the drills. Others use the PMTS skills to ski the whole mountain with fun in any conditions. It really is all about you. Me, I use my PMTS skills to keep up with the other skiers in my group who have that innate athleticism to do well without the technical details. If I had their talent and use the PMTS skills I've been able to develop, I'd be skiing like Heluva. That ain't me, and I'm happy where I'm at.

The drilling has one simple purpose. It takes a few hundred repetitions to "learn" a new movement so our brains do not have to think it through. To make it automatic. It takes a few thousand repetitions to replace a movement--change a habit. Some (probably Heluva, Max, others) can learn the movements of the drills with many fewer repetitions than some others of us (me). It's not about the drills. It's about the movements. And, it's about achieving fun on skis.
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Re: Is PMTS for me?

Postby Max_501 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:47 pm

Ken wrote:Some (probably Heluva, Max, others) can learn the movements of the drills with many fewer repetitions than some others of us (me).

I don't know about Heluva but I've done the drills thousands of times. The key is to do them perfectly which requires a coach or video for confirmation.
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