Mel Brown ~ Minneapolis contact information ?

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Mel Brown ~ Minneapolis contact information ?

Postby 40below » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:57 pm

Hi - I'm new to the forum, as well as to downhill skiing this year,
though I've invested several years of studying the books and videos
to assist in the rehab/physical training of seasonal skiers when I lived in Florida.

The PMTS approach made the most sense to me as a biomechanically oriented health professional even before I had a chance to ski;
and now that I finally live in snow and have the opportunity to jump into skiing full-bore,
it's lived up to every promise!

(did I mention parallel from the start, FUN?:-)

Would anyone be able to kindly put me in touch with Mel Brown in the Minneapolis area,
as I'm spending a couple weeks a month there,
and would very much like to have some sessions with her.


@ 40below

edit @ 11 pm ~

Diana Rogers has kindly responded to my request
with the contact info, so that's complete.
I've also put an email to Arkady,
who is a fellow MN Cities-dweller.

Happy carving to all ~
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:59 pm

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