Back from Fernie, 1st camp!

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Back from Fernie, 1st camp!

Postby sunrise » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:23 pm

Hi, I'm going to have to post this in installments cos the forum doesn't seem to like long posts (or at least MY long posts...)

I'm back from my very first camp in Fernie. I posted earlier on the forums to say that up until now I'd only worked out of the books and videos and had been dying to get to a camp for a couple of years. It was great, highly recommended to all to get the real experience. Our group was skiing with Peter Stone, a totally cool guy, good teacher and a lot of fun.

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:44 am
Location: Japan

Postby sunrise » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:23 pm

Everyone was skiing better, though I felt when I began the camp I was skiing worse than I usually do due to my new boot setup - my boots are now (hopefully) on the way to Chris in Colorado for surgery. My issue is big calves, using S10W boots. The calves have been pushing me forward, I was finding I'd have to get pretty low to stay in the front quadrant on my turns. This could also be part of old habits for all I know too, but definitely the verdict was for boot surgery to get me more upright.
It was nice to ski on shimmed demo skis and get a feel for correct alignment (I'll be getting my boots shimmed rather than my skis so I've not yet had a chance to ski with my own setup properly shimmed, but I'm sure I'll see more improvement after the bootwork.

I was hoping to get some powder skiing in but while I was there Fernie had what was probably a record of 10 out of 12 days of sunshine, with just a light dusting the other days, and wow, some very cold temps toward the end of the camp week. Thursday was damn cold, but Friday morn it was -27C, which "warmed up" to a more sultry -17 by the afternoon :D.

Being a musician/singer Peter did the impossible and managed to help me find a nice hotel where I could do a contra deal for accomodation/food. This worked out really well, though I didn't save any money cos I stayed longer and spent it on lift tickets and warmer gloves/headgear for the -27 day, hehe.

Anyway, it was wonderful to gain a better understanding of some of the things I'd been reading/watching and trying to work with, hopefully I'll still have a chance to get out on the new setup before the season ends. I'll definitely be trying to do more camps next season funds permitting.

I do read the boards here but don't post much, but I'm around...

cheers and thanks for such a wonderful community. The vibe of our group was that these camps are really special, and that's also from campers who really hadn't read much about PMTS beforehand.

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:44 am
Location: Japan

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