Trying pmts MA for Cipi

Trying pmts MA for Cipi

Postby Cipivts » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:05 pm

Hi all,
Took 3 videos this morning, and i would like to ask for your comments and advices. I almost finished expert skier 1, but read essentials 2-3 years ago, and ever since i tried to introduce some moves in my otherwise average ski.
This is my 5th day of ski this season, last year didn't ski at all almost.
I feel i started to get some of the moves, i practiced some of the drills although i don't know in which order, and which one to do...
I am struggling with flexing, in 3rd video i felt a bit better after practicing the poles on knees flexing drill, i am struggling not to extend, although i have the feeling i still do it.
My hip flexibility is not good, i load too much the left ski on both turns.. anyway shoot, and help me understand what should i focus on.

2 videos morning ride

This during afternoon after practicing some drills
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Re: Trying pmts MA for Cipi

Postby DougD » Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:17 pm


Good job posting video!

NOTE: I'm not a PMTS coach. If a coach or expert responds, take their advice over mine.

No full release using flexion. No permanent transfer of weight to the outside ski. Little or no tipping. This is mostly traditional skiing. The few PMTS elements you've attempted to add are visible, but this will not produce expert skiing. You can't adopt parts and pieces of PMTS... that doesn't work (trust me... I know! :oops: )

What to do?
Easy. Begin with ACBAES1, page 1. Do each and every drill in order, without skipping ahead.
Repeat each drill until you have mastered it. Do not skip any drill or exercise. No matter how easy you may think it is, it is there for a purpose.

What not to do?
Do not ski any difficult terrain. That will only reinforce existing (ineffective) movements.
Do not skip ahead to Essentials until you have mastered ACBAES1 and ACBAES2.

You have found the best teaching/learning path to expert skiing - PMTS - but there are no short cuts. Follow the program as HH designed it and your skiing will progress.

Good luck!!!
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Re: Trying pmts MA for Cipi

Postby Cipivts » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:18 pm

Thanks Doug, i think you said it right, i started to introduce some elements, but still missing couple of the core PMTS movements, especially the tipping, the phantom move, balancing on outside ski, etc.
I struggled a lot to counteract and doing some counterbalancing, but i am also feeling that something is missing in the movement. Missing the flow..
I read couple of chapters from book 1 yesterday, and i think i have more clarity now on how the phantom move should work together with what should happen during transition. Think i will need the drills to be able to fully execute, as both the body and the brain need time to compose the movements.
Finding an ideal easy terrain is difficult in switzerland, or at least where i normally ski. Pistes are mainly red-blacks with a lot of people especially during the weekend. Wherever i go, i cannot avoid the more difficult sections.. but anyway, will manage!
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Re: Trying pmts MA for Cipi

Postby DougD » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:12 am

Cipivts wrote:Thanks Doug,
I read couple of chapters from book 1 yesterday, and i think i have more clarity now on how the phantom move should work together with what should happen during transition. Think i will need the drills to be able to fully execute, as both the body and the brain need time to compose the movements.

You're welcome, Cipi.

Everyone needs the drills. Our bodies do not learn movements from intellectual understanding. Our bodies learn movements by doing movements.

Example: you can tie your shoelaces (a complex sequence of movements) in a few seconds, even blindfolded.

Now try tying a mirror image knot. Bet you can't do it in less than 10x the time, or at all if blindfolded. Your brain has a good intellectual understanding of what you're trying to to do, but that won't help your fingers make these unpracticed movements

Even if you wrote out complete instructions with photos (Anyone Can Be An Expert Shoelacer!) you'd still need 1000s of practice repetitions to tie a backwards knot as quickly and easily as the knot you tie now.

The best way to learn a new movement sequence is to break it down into pieces and practice each one until your muscle memory absorbs the lesson... ie, drills. This is what PMTS does.

If you think about the shoelaces example, you'll realize why performing every drill correctly, in order, is necessary.
- Do the drill wrong and your body will learn the wrong movement.
- Do the drills out of sequence and you'll train your body to do things in the wrong order.
- Skip a drill and your body will learn nothing, and will revert to some other movement that it already knows.
Either way, your poor shoelaces will be a mess! :shock: :

You said on another thread that you're a visual learner. The videos on the HSS website would be very helpful.

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