
PMTS Forum


Postby sujo » Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:30 pm

I watched the Stefano Gross vid Harald posted and noticed the big flexing Gross gets up to and > 90 degrees. So I focused on flexing today and everything was easier. Even a cat track and steeps that always abuse me were suddenly easy with speed control. For me really getting into more flexing made tipping, boot press, boot pullback and hip CA much easier. I also tried TFR drill with minimal flex and with 90 degree flex. Flexing made it much easier. Could flexing be more important than tipping because it allows more tipping or is it just something I was lacking? Sorry no video.
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Re: Flexing

Postby DougD » Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:24 am

Nothing is more important than tipping. Without tipping, none of the other Primary Movements matter. That's why tipping is taught first in ACBAES1. Flexing certainly makes tipping easier and enables greater tipping angles.

It sounds like you just experienced the truth that we must exaggerate new movements to learn them. Great!
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Re: Flexing

Postby Max_501 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 1:50 pm

Old thread from 2007...Most Important Essential

But flexing is very important and related to range of motion of tipping.

Harald wrote:Although Tipping is an important Essential of Expert Skiing, it has limitations for overall skiing if Flexing isn't involved or increased with Tipping. Just as lack of counter balancing will limit your arcs, even if tipping and flexing are solid in your repertoire.
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Re: Flexing

Postby h.harb » Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:27 am

Thanks for posting the link Max501. I think it's a PMTS forum classic. The thread, really points out the damage extension does to your skiing. Flexing or bending the knees and I have said this in countless publications and videos; "Use flexing/bending, to get out of a turn and it is also as important to use it to get into the top of the turn."
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Re: Flexing

Postby h.harb » Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:38 am

The actual answer to this question is, skiing efficiently requires movements that occur either at the same time, or in a certain order to produce PMTS quality turns. Flexing, out of the turn, begins and allows the release, which in turn allows for tipping movements that bring the skis flat and also to their new edges. If flexing is the catalyst to releasing, tipping is the action directly following, and creating engagement.

If I had had this forum as an 18 year old, and could have used everything in it, I would have certainly stayed in ski racing and on the Canadian team for at least 5 more years. The free information from my Blog and on this forum, not to mention what I have on You Tube, would have easily motivated me to stay with racing. I had barely scratched the surface. At that point in my life, when I was retiring, I barely understood how to evolve techniques I have and know now. Everything in my skiing came from natural instincts and the need for survival.

What a difference it would have made to me, if I had known, at that time, the techniques PMTS provides to get one to the very top level.

Although there were times when I scratched the awareness of what a top level run or turn was, I couldn't sustain it, those experiences came and went. They were random because I hadn't evolved enough yet to make them a focus for every turn. I'm sure at 21, I wasn't ready. And to achieve the consistency not knowing how, would have taken at least 3 more seasons. Without guidance, it's a frustrating road. With the understanding of how each turn is made, as we have today, for each gate, constructed in a way that maximized your potential, what a different state of mind and level of confidence that would have been created.

I'm writing this to give you some perspective of what you have at your finger tips. No guess work, no need for confusion, just go out and practice PMTS with what we have created, there are no excuses, it's all here.
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Re: Flexing

Postby Vailsteve » Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:04 pm


Re flexing at >90 degrees...you may wish to check out HH's power release drill. YouTube has videos of HH, Diana, JBotti and Max501 all doing power release drills.

Each one has flexed their inside knee way past 90 degrees. It is a GREAT exercise to see just how much flexing can be done.

But the drill get even better...flexing the inside leg lets the outside leg get long, longer and longest, then big, bigger and biggest angles develop, and then the pressure builds and builds and builds on the outside foot. And when that outside leg hooks up, and you time the relaxation correctly, oh my oh my....you just fly across the hill like you were shot out of a cannon.

Then you flex again to release, and do it the other direction, then again and again..all the way down the mountain.

And that develops a true carve. It is a WONDERFUL, addicting sensation.

One of my all time favorite drills...

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Re: Flexing

Postby Basil j » Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:24 am

I agree. I actually warm up at the beginning of a ski day doing low power releases as well as 2 footed releases to get the groove going.Of all the drills, IMO, the power release is the easiest to show a non PMTS skier how to release an edge without extension. We also do the flex drill with the poles across the knees.
My U 14 daughter(next season U16) loves this drill as it has taught her that it is good to be low to the snow during transitions.
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