PMTS and Twin Tips

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PMTS and Twin Tips

Postby ginaliam » Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:09 am


I realize that these forums do not represent the entirety of PMTS skiers-but I was just wondering how well PMTS works with the new breed of wider twin tips?? I only ask because I notice that most of the reference skis (and skis talked about on this forum) are regular, quicker carve oriented skis styled skis-

I've been using the books and videos for a few years now and was thinking of checking into a pair of twin tips (the mojo 90 to be exact) just wondering if it is less compatible with PMTS than say it's non-turned up tail stable mate the im88 (also on the short list of new biiger skis).


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Postby Icanski » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:27 pm

Hi Liam,
I've got some Stockli Snake BCs on the way, so I'll tell you when I get out there on them. I have a question about mounting the bindings. Most twin tip skiers try to get it in the center for balance on riding rails and boxes. When "centering" the binding, I wonder if the ball of the foot should be on the center or the center of the foot be there?

I don't know why PMTS wouldn't work with a wider ski. It may challenge some people's alignment, but since PMTS works for skiing powder (where most people use a wider ski) it follows that the wide skis would work just fine.
I'll find out soon, and let you know.
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Postby westcat » Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:58 pm

PMTS works fantastic on fat twins. Makes my Gotamas really fun to carve the hardpack, or any kind of snow really. Mojos should be even better.
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Postby ginaliam » Sat Jan 14, 2006 3:19 pm

Icanski wrote:Hi Liam,
I've got some Stockli Snake BCs on the way, so I'll tell you when I get out there on them. I have a question about mounting the bindings. Most twin tip skiers try to get it in the center for balance on riding rails and boxes. When "centering" the binding, I wonder if the ball of the foot should be on the center or the center of the foot be there?

I don't know why PMTS wouldn't work with a wider ski. It may challenge some people's alignment, but since PMTS works for skiing powder (where most people use a wider ski) it follows that the wide skis would work just fine.
I'll find out soon, and let you know.

Just a follow up--how do you like the Snake BC's--those and their narrow brother-the snake-are two pairs of skis I've looked long and hard at (they're, if nothing else-absolutely beautiful skis!) and wondered about their all-mountain use.
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Postby Icanski » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:26 pm

I skied my new snake BCs for the first time yesterday. I was teaching most of the day, and then after classes, I did some runs to play around. They are the widest skis I've ever used and they have a 22.5m radius. 88mm underfoot. Given the short runs I'm on here, it takes awhile to add them up to one "real" mountain run.
First, they attract a lot of attention, especially on the lifts. The topsheet looks and feels like snakeskin and the colors are rather bright. The cobra head is pretty sharp. So lots of questions about them, where'd I get them, and how do you say the name. ( shtoe-klee the oe is between an Uh and an O, like the sound in the French: coeur.Not O as in "stoke-lee") Now, as for the performance.
I did a few easy runs just tipping and seeing how strongly they pulled or initiated turns, and they are a bit slower than the shorter and quicker T50 Volkl 5 stars I have, but when I got on the steeper stuff and went faster, they just held beautifully. I did a 30 foot jump and they were very stable to land on, and didn't shimmy at speed when flat.
I did try them on our bump run. The bumps were pretty frozen and very short, and close together. It was tricky getting them to turn quickly, but I suspect that's partly me getting used to the length and width of them. (it couldn't have anything to do with my technique of course :wink: ).
So far, I really like them, alot. Mind you, I haven't had a chance to use them where they are really designed to be used: in the powder, or glades and such. But I'm looking forward to that.
I'll have to tell you the story of how I got them sometime...that was a nightmare. But they are coiled in their snake basket ready to go again.

I'll try out the Laser SC in the next day or soon as it stops raining here :cry: We've had two days of sub zero (C) temps in the last week, and now it's raining again! Who says there isn't such a thing as global warming happening and climate change. I feel for the operators. We have such a short season here, that when it rains and our school groups cancel, it makes it very tight on the margin for them.

I'll report on the SC soon.
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