Harb Carvers Question

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Harb Carvers Question

Postby mauricet101010 » Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:51 pm

I started to practice the essentials on my harb carvers.
Based in my experience I feel 2 hours on carvers is the same as 8 hours on the snow when trying to learn a new skills.
I do find it much harder to balance on one carver as compared to being on Skis.
For example I can do a reasonable javlin exercise on the snow but not on carvers.
Is this because of my more fear of falling on carvers :| , maybe bad alignment, or it is actually technically harder to balance one footed on carvers?
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Re: Harb Carvers Question

Postby jbotti » Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:23 am

I haven't been on carvers in years (the falls on concrete were just no fun and too much to continue with for me) but I think almost everyone has the same experience in that the level of tipping required to make the carvers arc, is more than on skis and unlike on skis, there is no brushing and no hockey stops. So either you lay them over big time or you go straight. This is why it is such great practice because it requires a greater level of commitment and more range of motion to produce the necessary edge angles.
Balance: Essential in skiing and in life!
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Re: Harb Carvers Question

Postby mauricet101010 » Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:11 pm

jbotti, I purchased ice hockey protection pants and also have a cheap padded pant under that too to protect hip and lower back along with the usual protection gear.
Yes I totally agree with you that carvers teach you to tip well.
I am learning how to increase the tipping during the turn at present.
I tried to learn this on the snow over several days of effort the last time I skied without any success.
I could do a medium radius carved turn but never could tighten the radius.
I even had a private traditional lesson on this topic that was a complete waste of money, wide stance anyone? Never ever again.
The instructor skied a more narrow stance and wanted me to ski wide.
I have now purchased the relevant video on this topic from the Harb shop.
I have found that carvers give me instant feedback if I are doing things correctly.
After 2 hours on the carvers I have worked out how to tighten the turn by increasing angulation, lowering the stance and the role of rising the side of the hip etc
I have worked out how all the essentials link together starting with the feet in the boots tipping.
My question was in regard to one foot balance on carvers compared to skies.
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