Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

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Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby Diana Rogers » Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:18 pm

We are contemplating two new camps for next season ('13-'14): a Senior camp and a Women's Camp. We'd like some feedback from you on whether you would be interested in either one, or if you know anyone who'd be interested. The intent of each camp would be to provide supportive and homogeneous groups.

The Senior Camp would offer senior coaches, a mid-morning break each day of lessons, and a day off midweek. The emphases for the camp are using less effort, reducing physical stress, improving control and balance, and extending the skier's career.

The Women's Camp would offer female coaches. The emphasis for the camp is creating a supportive and non-competitive environment, where improving one's skiing is just one facet of an overall enjoyable ski week.

Questions, comments, feedback? Please post a reply.
If you are interested in enrolling, or if you know someone who would be, please contact us by email or call us at the shop: +1-303-567-0679.
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby mzf25 » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:09 pm


I am interested in a senior camp, depending on dates and particulars. I am 77 years, and took a private lesson with Harold about 2 years ago.

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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby NoCleverName » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:51 pm

I've got a candidate for the women ... and I would be interested in the senior if it were concurrent. As long as were not talking about rocking chairs, here. 8)

And of course, pre-season timing would be cost-beneficial.
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby Diana Rogers » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:18 pm

Thanks for the interest - hopefully more folks will contact us. We have you on our contact lists.
Diana Rogers
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby dtrick924 » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:50 am

I'd be interested in the women's camp if was at the same skill level as the green/blue camp. I would be a first time camper and have never taken lessons with a PMTS instructor.
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby rwd » Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:11 pm


My daughter(see previous post) and I are considering a camp for next year. She learned in TTS as a child, and only started working on PMTS last season. I am 63, and have been a student of PMTS, via articles, books, and DVD'S but have never been to camp. As Eastern skiers we both have concerns regarding a full 5 day ski week, especially at higher altitude. I am interested to know where the senior and women's camps would be held, and how the instructional content would compare to the other camps. Thanks
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby NoCleverName » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:29 pm

rwd wrote:Diana,

As Eastern skiers we both have concerns regarding a full 5 day ski week, especially at higher altitude.

While everyone is different, experience has shown that getting to 8000 ft two or three days early, toss in a half-ski the day before camp, KEEP HYDRATED, stay off the booze for a while, and walk around a lot. It'll still take till about Wednesday to be pretty much up to speed. Even the normal dark blue camp isn't up-and-down, up-and-down. The last time I was there I think I was 64 and by Friday could pretty much ski top-to-bottom. Oh, a couple weeks at the health club on the bike or other trainer doesn't hurt, either.

Bottom line, unless you have had altitude problems before, you should be OK ... but the first three days might make you wonder!
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby richk » Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:40 pm

While the readers of this forum might not be personally interested, are there spouses, siblings, children, parents, cousins, friends, etc. who might be interested?

Assume pale to dark blue PMTS content. Imagine learning the same movements, but with less fatigue at the end of the day/week...

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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby CO_Steve » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:15 am

I've got a friend who I'm pretty sure I've talked into doing camp next year. I'm sure she'd do a women's camp if available.
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby Ihamilton » Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:19 pm

My wife would be interested in a seniors camp. For myself, I want to ski hard all day at the highest level the coaches think my skiing is worthy of. We travel together and I am keener so the camps would have to either be at the same time or fit my interests and she will adapt. My thinking may change as the baby boomers get older. There are some very good and serious senior skiers, so as long as ski improvement is the goal and I feel that my own skiing is advanced by the camp then I will try a seniors camp.
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby A.L.E » Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:31 pm

I think it's a great idea.

Any idea on the timing at this stage, ie which month for the women's camp?
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby Diana Rogers » Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:59 pm

I'm glad to see more interest! The questions and feedback are useful to guide what the camp(s) could be.

dtrick924 & rwd - you would both fit in well at our Granby Ranch Green/Blue camp. It's the level you are looking for, and it's at a much lower elevation than Arapahoe Basin (~8500 feet). As one of our regular Granby Ranch campers pointed out, that camp attracts many seniors and many women. If Green & Blue are your level, then that's a super camp with learning-friendly terrain. We are going to have that camp again next season. We have many campers who prefer that camp because the lower elevation is more comfortable.

If, however, you want to ski and learn on more difficult terrain (blue and "dark" blue), then Arapahoe Basin is the better venue. We are considering offering the Senior and Women's camps at A-Basin. If one/both can run at the same time as one of our other camps, then that would meet the needs of Ihamilton (and I'm sure other couples might fit that mold too).

A.L.E. - December or January are the most likely options. Would you have a preference?
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby A.L.E » Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:33 pm

Mid January would suit. :D
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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby mzf25 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:14 pm

Mid-January at A-Basin would be a better choice for me.

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Re: Senior & Women's Camps - Evaluating Interest

Postby dbillo » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:11 am

I'm hoping to get into a Green/Blue Camp next year, four of us, actually, and a little concerned about some or all of us missing out. Just how difficult is it to get into the camp I want, when I want? On the Camp webpage I read the notice about limited enrollment:

"Our camps do have limited enrollment and they sell out quickly - by June/July for the camps scheduled through early January. If you are considering attending a camp, pease enroll early to avoid disappointment."

I've assumed the limit is because you only have so many resources, i.e. instructors, time, etc. Given that you are turning people away when the existing camps fill up, if you now have enough resources to add two more camps, why are you proposing to limit them by age and gender? Why not just add more camps, and divvy people up accordingly when they get there?
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