Second Pair of Skis

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Second Pair of Skis

Postby ctric » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:10 pm

My first time on skis was 5 years ago at middle age. I made every mistake in the book from gear to technique.
About 2 years ago I started reading Harald's books, got properly fitted boots and purchased Head SS, 170's (all of which have made me a better skier). I would honestly characterize myself as an advancing intermediate (ski Vermont/New Hampshire blue runs well and most blacks fairly well). Bumps and off piste are targets for next year.
I would appreciate your comments on a second pair of skis to complement the SS's for northeastern: powder, off-trail fun and bump work.
I am 5' 11" and 195 lbs. I've had reccomendations ranging from: Monster 78s, 82s, 88s to the Elan 888s to the Fisher Watea.
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Re: Second Pair of Skis

Postby jbotti » Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:46 pm

I own both the Head IM 78, IM 88 and the Fischer Watea 84's and I have demoed the IM 82's, Watea 94 and 78 (but not the Elan 888's). If you want a versatile off piste ski that will do bumps well go with the IM 78. It has a shorter turn radius than most skis in it's category. If you wnat to ski bumps using PMTS technique you need some sidecut. The Watea 84's also hold up pretty well in bumps, but are better in softer bumps than hard east coast bumps. The IM 82 and 88's in my opinion are awfully stiff for bumps and if you get back on either ski they will run out from you. The Watea 94 is a great ski, but it is more oriented and better suited for soft snow conditions. It will carve well on hard snow (larger GS turns), but it will be a lot of work in hard iced up bumps.

If you are an advancing Intermediate, you would be better served with friendlier skis like the IM 78, Watea 84 as your skis to first venture into off piste and bumps. As well on the east coast you don't get the really heavy pacific dumps where wide powder skis are almost necessary, so a 78-84mm waisted ski will hold up well for you.
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Re: Second Pair of Skis

Postby ctric » Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:07 pm

Thanks for the advise.
I will try to demo both recommendations in the spring soft stuff.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:20 pm

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