Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

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Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby NYCJIM » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:43 pm

After six years since my first day on skis, I did a mogul run today! Whoo-hoo! (It took this long, because I tend to be cautious after childhood injuries. I cracked my head on a diving board at 12, and I broke my ankle my first day on ice skates at 13. So since I started skiing at 38, I wanted to be careful. I don't exactly have a great track record when I begin new athletics, ahah. And Moguls always looked too crazy.) Well, NOT ANYMORE! I had so much fun today. And I was in control and confident and stable.

So after feeling confident from Black diamond trails with good pole planting, this year, TODAY, I jumped into the mogul world. :mrgreen: I was amazed at how successful I was at Belleayre Mountain in the Catskills, NY.

I kept focusing on POLE PLANTING and PULLING the free foot BACK. I was amazed at how well I did.

Of course, I probably looked kinda hunched over, LOL. I kept reaching to stab that pole into the snow and once I passed the pole, I dragged it hard to stabilize, while reaching ahead to stab another pole plant with the other hand. The pulling of the free foot back allowed me to make very sharp and QUICK turns around the moguls.

I believe that by always reaching forward, I was in a body position where my legs were already kinda flexed, so I was able to absorb the bumps without too much conscious focusing on flexing.

So next weekend, I am going to practice how to do the Super Phantom, in order to be even quicker with the turns.


I never even tried to find a line. I was just focused on pole planting and pulling the foot back. That seemed to be all I needed.

I did have one funny moment. I mentally told myself "PULL THE FREE FOOT BACK," as I was on my 5th bump. My instant response was, And which foot might that be? :mrgreen: Things happen so fast I can't keep track of which is which. I just kept pole planting and everything seemed to come together.

EVERYTHING I've read in Harald's books has worked! Whoo-hoo!
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby Mac » Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:59 am

That's pretty commendable that you have that much command in the bumps after only six years experience. You are right, things seem to happen so quickly in the bumps that you don't have much time to think about them, they have to be programed into your thought process, as Harald once said. I was skiing some pretty difficult bumps at Stratton over the weekend, with mixed results. Two things I might want to mention from reading your post, based on my experiences (misadventures) in the bumps.
It's good that you're concentrating on your pole use. Just make sure that your pole plant is leading you into the turn, and not blocking it. By planting your pole too far forward toward the ski tips, it will make it necessary for you to ski around the pole, effectively blocking you from moving in the direction that you want to go in. Make sure that the pole plant is somewhat down the hill, and not much further forward than the toes of your boots, so it helps lead you into the turn. I remember Harald had a nifty diagram with two ski poles laid on the snow in one of the Expert Skier books demonstrating this.
Another thing is that it can't be a good thing for you to drag your poles for support. I know I had a nasty habit of doing the same thing, I had to work at correcting that. There are some exercises that use a pole drag as a practice drill. The pole drag exercise is designed to teach proper pole use and hand position. I can't give you the complete PMTS explanation of this, maybe Harald can help us out here, but I have a feeling that once you get this under control, you'll have even more success down the road.
Good luck.
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby NYCJIM » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:15 am

Thanks for the info, Mac!

Yes, I'm definitely going to be working on mastering the pole plant and the timing. Yesterday I was just happy to be able to survive the mogul run, but I know I have a lot of work to do now with technique. For example, I know I should not be reaching forward like I was. I think I was just doing that out of an exaggerated concentration of firm pole planting. I'll work on it all.

I'm counting the days till next weekend, where I see myself spending most of the day working things out.

Thanks. 8)
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby Mac » Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:51 am

If you can work all that out in a day, then I'll come take a lesson from you! I've been skiing a lot longer than six years, and I still haven't figured it out. Harald stresses proper pole use in all of his videos and books. I think the one I was referring to was the Expert Skier 1 book, although I can't be sure. I let someone borrow it (silly me), and they never returned it, so I have no way to check. :(
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby NYCJIM » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:05 pm

:lol: Yes, it does take some time. I'll try to master it all in two days. :mrgreen:
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby NYCJIM » Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:47 pm

One Year later follow up:

Today I did a mogul run, the longest I've ever done! In the past, my mogul runs were those on the side of a groomed trail, so I did have the option of bailing out. Today was my first mogul run that didn't have that option. And I connected far more bumps than I had ever done.

The first time I froze up with fear. I wound up traversing and sideslipping down to the lower bumps on the hill. But the next time I tackled the hill by not looking at the hill and its many bumps. Totally contrary to "picking a line," I kept my head down and focused on the bump I was turning on and the one right after. After successfully turning a few, I just kept saying to myself "Ignorance is good" as I continued navigating the bumps. :mrgreen: I refused to look up and see what I was facing because I didn't want to freeze up with fear. I was amazed that I was doing that many bumps and not wiping out. "Ignorance is good!"

My ignorance mantra worked! Now I have more confidence. Next weekend I'll be back and am going to pick a line and look at the whole hill. This is the winter I want to do black diamond moguls with confidence.

The magic trick of turning by tipping the free foot and pulling it back still thrills me. It works on the bumps, too.

Narrow stance, pulling the free foot back and using the poles. It works wonders!
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby h.harb » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:20 pm

NYCJIM, congratulations sounds like out are really having fun out there!
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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby NYCJIM » Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:03 am

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Re: Finally Did a Mogul Run! Yay!

Postby Ken » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:42 pm

Jay gave me some great pole plant tips for moguls. Have the pole ready to plant before your skis reach the fall line. You'll be able to plant as soon as your eye spots a good spot. Never bring the pole/arm/shoulder forward of the fall line. Rich taught me to grip the pole handle moderately firmly. When I reach down, the firm grip causes the body to bend down the hill as it needs to do. HH taught me to get the pole tip down low, way down the bump before the plant, NOT swinging up high in the air.

As always, strongly pull both feet backwards to bring the ski tips down to the snow when the feet go over a crest. If your weight gets back on your heels, you're doomed. Ditto for rotation where your outside shoulder twists around in the direction of the turn. Ditto for leaning back toward the hill for that false sense of security.
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