So, HH, is this you?

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So, HH, is this you?

Postby greg » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:22 pm

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Postby Hobbit » Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:19 am

greg / dd223,

It's a little bit on the shaky ground that you keep posting here after being banned (I am not familiar with the details on how this happened).
Are you aware of the Harald's pardon offer?
I am asking because maybe you are interested, so read the appropriate thread please. Otherwise I am probably supposed to delete your posts (sorry).
Last edited by Hobbit on Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby midwif » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:54 am

Actually, the tone of that post does NOT sound like typical HH writing.
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Postby NoCleverName » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:56 am

Actually, I don't think Road Kill (a.k.a. Highway Star) has the brains to pull off that charade.
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Postby Hobbit » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:05 am

There is no need to carry on this discussion.
I believe that this is just another attempt on insulting HH.
I am waiting for the reply from HH.
I think that this thread (at least my current post) will be deleted in the near future.
Unless I hear from "greg" (aka DoubleDiamond223) by the end of the day his login will be banned.

Like many posters on epic already said in respect to HS is his buddies (or maybe sock puppets) posts -- don't feed the troll.
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Postby jbotti » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:37 pm

There is not a shot in hell that the poster on TGR is Harald. The first post tries to sound like something Harald might say. The rest of the posts are just absurd. Clearly the guy/girl (he /she/it) is a jerk, and has it out for Harald big time.

When looking at the long standing feud, this is a huge act of provocation. Expecting people to act with respect is obviously too much to ask!! JB.
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Re: So, HH, is this you?

Postby 40below » Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:09 pm

greg wrote:It certainly does sound like it.

Only to the weak/aimless/clueless, poor fellow ~


but, it's kinda humorous,
in the weirdest way,
to have that much of a hard-on .......
even AGAINST someone/thing,
to keep stirring the village pot like you be do-doin',

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Postby greg » Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:57 pm


No, I'm not aware of the pardon offer. If it's a thread, then please link it. I re-registered to answer questions and attacks posed after the "fat skis..." thread. You banned DD223, which is your perogative. I haven't posted anything inflammatory on this alias, and don't plan on doing so.

I'm not sure what deleting this would accomplish, as people should know whether this is actually HH or not.

I really don't know what you want me to say.
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Postby Hobbit » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:27 pm


We have couple of people with the moderator privileges.
To my recollection I was not the one who banned you.
I hope that you understand that if someone is banned for whatever reason this is exactly what they should expect -- they are not given a chance to respond. This is the situation on any forum including PMTS, epicski and TGR.

This is the link to the Pardon offer thread.

I think that other people have already answered your original post question.

Just to clarify few things before this thread will be deleted shortly,
the posts on TGR did cross the line and are in the category of criminal activity -- obscenities and personal insult in public (which the internet media is), fraud, impersonation and identity theft in respect to personal and business matters. In addition the posts of this nature clearly go against the forum posting rules which the users agree to during the account registration including this forum, epicski, and TGR.

The forums and other internet communications are traceable and there is no place to hide in respect to such crimes. Most cowboys have no idea what they are dealing with here. The proxy web servers and the rest of this stuff are traceable. Everything is traceable. All it takes is an appropriate court order to open the gates. In fact it's kind of a low effort procedure since computers/software are excellent for the automation of this type of activities. The people on TGR (including the WEB site operators) are brave enough to put their well being on the line (in case HH wants to sue them).

I personally think that you are intelligent and smart enough and just playing dumb in order to enjoy a minute of fame and stir the mud by posting a link on this web site. I think that HH would like to hear the honest explanations on your behavior if you choose to ask for the pardon.
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Postby Flexon Phil » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:52 am

Knowing what I know of Highway, I really do not think that it is him.
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Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:26 am

TGR site is running virtually unmoderated and I believe that they do tolerate sock puppet accounts.
I don't think that anyone here implied that HS is the one who did it on TGR.
But he was quick enough to bring the TGR culture on epicski. He is a mud slinging champion on epicski for sure.
He is the one who initiated the latest round of escalation on epic with the obscenities postings.
I am glad that epicski moderators trimmed him down a little because there are limits on what you may say in public.
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Re: Pardons

Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:46 am

Hobbit wrote:I personally think that you are intelligent and smart enough and just playing dumb in order to enjoy a minute of fame and stir the mud by posting a link on this web site. I think that HH would like to hear the honest explanations on your behavior if you choose to ask for the pardon.

greg wrote:I really don't know what you want me to say.

So greg, let me ask you why do you do it?
I've read your posts on epicski in the past. You are a smart guy.
Don't you think that if you are presumably interested in answering the question you posted you may verb it in a more friendly matter? For example:
"I have seen a new user posts on TGR and he claims to be Harald Harb.
Harald, could you please confirm if you are posting over there?"
-- or something like that...

But you say
greg wrote:It certainly does sound like it.

Why ask then? The only reason I see you doing it is to plug the link to TGR with obscene language and insults toward HH.

greg wrote:I haven't posted anything inflammatory on this alias, and don't plan on doing so.

I think you just did what you clam you are not going to do.
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Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:03 am

I expressed my opinion and I respect yours. I have no intention to ban this user but if HH decides to do so he will. If TGR is a place of irresponsible posts (by the way this may be argued) there is no need to carry the mud over here or on epicski. If you want to get information from HH you know where to go -- it's PMTS forum. If you care a lot about information on TGR you can discuss it over there.
I just wanted to give greg a chance to speak out and explain himself.
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Postby jbotti » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:49 am

Just to throw in a reality check here, Greg aka DD223 has done little else but be disruptive on this site. As Hobbit noted he didn't just show everyone the HH TGR thread, he said that it sounded like it was Harald when any idiot who reads the posts knows it is an imposter. IMO, he has had an ax to grind from day one. Harald went out of his way to help him last year when he posted video of his skiing and his response was to come back a year later and trash Harald on other sites.

He has not lived up to being banned and he continues to find ways to post and be disruptive.

Of cousre it is always possible that I am misreading all of Greg's earnest and good intentions, but I don't think that I am.

To me, he looks angry and wants some form of revenge. I doubt he is ready to grow up and act like an adult. And I am completely convinced that he has no interest in learning PMTS or from Harald regardless of his deisre to be reinstated.

If it was up to me (which it is not), no shot!!
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Postby h.harb » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:31 am

Well isn?t it interesting what goes on when I?m gone for a few days.

I don?t visit other ski forums and frankly, I didn?t know that Teton-or what ever, even existed. I hope the moderators will finally delete the post (I didn't read it).

I won?t speculate about who this is, it doesn?t matter as this is a sick individual, but you can be sure it?s someone who?s banned form this forum. Either my ignoring this person or the strength of PMTS, must be really bugging someone, if they?ll go to this extent, to use fraudulent tactics and steal my identity to misrepresent me and my company, which is highly illegal.
Greg, can we contact the moderator and see if they can identify and uncover from the post, who the perpetrator is, by some method?
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