PMTS and the "Ski Coach" (Thanks)

PMTS Forum

PMTS and the "Ski Coach" (Thanks)

Postby neil » Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:19 pm

I have been working with Chris (inventor of the Ski Coach) and trying to learn more about Primary Movements. I am a ski instructor (12 years) in Banff with Club Ski, and this year with the limited knowledge I have of Primary Movments and this years experiance using the 'Ski Coach' I am having huge success with my clients.
Using the 'Ski Coach" gets my clients to angulate sometimes a little too much, but that is easier to correct than tipping into the hill.
Using PMTS to get clients to make dynamic parallel turns, and skiing more confident on steeper slopes by making better use of the inside or free foot.
I will probably have more questions on Primary Movements, but I am lucky to have Chris (PMTS Instructor) close by for his guidance.
To get greater enjoyment out of skiing and teaching skiing, learn about PMTS and 'The Ski Coach' new innovative ski training device.
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Postby midwif » Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:03 pm

Some new plants were put in moist, fertile ground. They grew and sent their spores on the wind, floating to the next fertile plot. Hence grew....PMTS.

Ok, ok, I know I'm getting carried away. But it seems in the not too distant future, that more skiers will be able to go to the ski school desk, ask for a PMTS trained instructor and get One! (probably only one, but that's okay)
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Keep going

Postby Harald » Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:13 pm

We are all thankful of people who contribute to faster ski learning. Chris is on the road to making strong contributions and innovations to skiing, welcome to the PMTS forum.
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Postby Max_501 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:40 pm

I used the Ski Coach today for a few hours. Its a great tool. If you have any question about your counter balancing I'd suggest it. I also think it will work well when working with your friends. Counter balance is such a tough thing for so many people to understand. Two thumbs up!

It really could use a chest strap to help keep it in place.
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