Book Learning

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Book Learning

Postby HH » Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:34 pm

Some time ago people were discussing how it is to learn skiing from a book. My response was, some people can learn skiing from a book others can not. But if you can, it is one of the least expensive ways to learn. Here is an e-mail from a skier and reader who found the least expensive way to learn skiing and he isn't going to have to unlearn the other stuff..

Dear Harald,

I would just like to say how with a little patience, I went from a ski hack plow boyin my first year skiing to an advanced level skier in about 4 weeks learning with your system. I was given your book by a friend who had never skied, she said how can you learn to ski from a book?I took it home and started to read and then go to the slopes and put it into practice. It was a revelation, I could not believe how relaxed I was and how a black run is now just another slope not a place where I was going to fall down, and I am in full control. My girlfriend has just started on shaped skis and she too finds the system excellent. Keep up the good work; I now enjoy skiing to the fullest. I have now been watching advanced level skiers and most do not use your system even the ski patrol has never heard of it, maybe you should sell your books in the ski shops.

[quote HH]I receive at least five of these a month. It continues to amaze me that people are actually following the PMTS program and advice and turning into skiers. Yes, it was the intent of the book, but watching it in action is very rewarding.


Postby Tim » Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:11 pm

What the heck, might as well relate my story...46 years old and the first time on skis this winter in 30 years. Did lots of reading on the web and stumbled across Harald's website and also Craig McNeil's. Bought both their books before the season started and read thru them. Craig's was a very quick read, Harald's remains close by for constant referral.

Decided first thing to do is get fitted for a decent pair of boots and checked for alignment. Smartest thing I ever did. Then rented a pair of decent skis for the season.

Anyway, my first day out, I go to a nice green slope, of course. I say to myself, "Let's give this tipping/little toe edge thing a try." Oh wow, the skis just turn! Five runs later and I say "the heck with this, let's go over to the high speed quad". Now, I am coming down the mountain with a little more speed and I can carve! Not an expert, of course. But I am loving that feel of carving. And the sound - the skis get quiet as they carve - you don't here that slipping/sliding sound. I call it a "confident quiet".

Haven't progressed to any blacks yet, but ski blues consistently. Would really like to find a PMTS instructor here in the east. And more time to get out and ski!

I can second the sentiments of the young man whose letter Harald quotes. Thank you Harald.



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