MA Request FarmerDola

MA Request FarmerDola

Postby FarmerDola » Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:38 am

My first post...I looked for the thread regarding people's PMTS experience/introductions, but couldn't find it. So will post here. A few years back, a one time frequent HSS camper, David Blaine, said I should look into PMTS and Harald Harb. I did just that. I was fortunate to get a lesson with Jay Peterson in spring of '16, may first experience with PMTS. I have attended the Tech camps in Nov '17 and '18, and attended SRT/mogul camp in late Feb '20. I have purchased ACBAES 1 and 2, The Essentials, and the Instructor Manual.
My SMIM from the last camp is CB, especially my left footers. Other MA pointed out in my videos is not flexing and tipping enough at the bottom of the turn to shorten the turn radius, and a small extension at times in transition. Boot work has been done by HSS at the the last camp. I arrived at that camp with an exaggerated "O" frame far too long into the turn, and so both boots adjusted, right tipped in to 1 degree, left tipped in to 2.5 degrees.
The camps have been great, and in the meantime, I want to make sure I am practicing the correct movements and would like feedback and will take direction as well. I am posting three (3) videos: the lift-touch-tip drill in hopes of getting in front of that request, javelin turns as it feels that I am lifting my inside hip higher (CB), and short radius turns, which is what I am working on.




short radius
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Re: MA Request FarmerDola

Postby willwingpang » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:53 am


Nice skiing, solid essentials. Commenting only on the SRT video...

Firstly, for both turns, whenever you 'plant' your pole it's pretty much vertical and this triggers an extension and you will see your pelvis pop up in line with the vertical pole.

Secondly, the stance-side hand shouldn't be creeping past your stance boot to pole plant (pole swing), moving your hands that much to pole tap kills your CA.

Let your stance leg flexing/lightening for the new turn do the the pole 'tap' on the snow for you.

Try holding the poles out at 45 degrees, knuckles up pointing the clouds at all times with the ski tips flared out sideways. Make sure you inside hand leading inline with the ski tips and your stance side hand held back in line with the ski tails.

Happy skiing, Will
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Re: MA Request FarmerDola

Postby ErikCO » Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:27 pm

Good quality videos and a good level of difficulty in the slope you are skiing on for this!

I am sure that Max or jbotti will chime in at some point and will probably have a more thorough analysis. The one comment I would make is that your CB is still problematic.


The "kink" in your side, shown by the wrinkles in your jacket on that side, may mean you are getting a fair amount of your CB from bending your spine, not from your hips and pelvis. Since you've been to camp, you should have the dryland exercise video (I think Diana sends that out to all campers a week or two before camp). Watch the exercises for CB that are in that video and practice them in front of a mirror to get a better internal feeling for what this hip and pelvis movement feels like. I know that the Hip-o-meter is also suggested to give a better external clue about the position of your pelvis.


Here is a screen capture of Diana, in contrast. (Yeah, I know, she makes us all look bad, but still...) Note how her spine still appears to be straight up and down, compared to yours which seems to have a bend in it. I did pick a particularly bad example from your videos, but I see the same issue cropping up in almost all the turns in your drills.

As to the pole issue that Will is talking about, I wouldn't be to surprised if others chime in and say "Get rid of the pole plant for now. It is either adding nothing or is actively worsening your skiing".
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Re: MA Request FarmerDola

Postby h.harb » Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:24 pm

You are doing all the right things. Keep on practicing and build them into your freeskiing when you aren't doing exercises. Nothing really is out of line or shows up for you to worry about. Please don't get involved with all the feedback that will be spewed at you from this forum. Most people aren't qualified to analyze your skiing and will just confuse you.

The one thing I suggest is to keep the tips of your poles on the snow, you are lifting your arm to pole plant (that throws the CB off), and that increases your habit to extend, also adds some rotation. On your left foot turn, going to the right, add more counteracting, and continue tipping, earlier in the arc, at times you push off to extend on the left leg, (because you are pushing not tipping) pushing into the ski edge stops your tipping, this causes you to lose the ski tail of the downhill ski.

Go to my blog and look up the counteracting posts, study the photos that demonstrate CA movements.

If Max501, J. Botti, EricCo or Helluva have further suggestions, that would be fine.
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Re: MA Request FarmerDola

Postby FarmerDola » Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:03 pm

Will get to work on addressing my pole use and CA. I imagine I'll post a video to to get feedback regarding that progress.

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