20-21 Ski Season

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20-21 Ski Season

Postby jbotti » Mon May 11, 2020 3:01 pm

A lot can and will change between now and then, but this is an ominous sign for the coming ski season.

https://www.parkrecord.com/news/summit- ... rd-roundup
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby ErikCO » Mon May 11, 2020 7:55 pm

I have got to say, I think they will eventually have to change this. If nothing else, when the Vail corporate (and other corporation) profits are seriously challenged, I think we will see locations come under a lot of pressure to change their policies. So far, it has mainly been small businesses and individual workers who have seen the economic side of current policies. Once the big businesses start talking about cutting profits for their high-payed executives, there will probably be a major change in lobbying. I also think we will see changing policies as data emerges from other states (and countries, I'm thinking mainly Sweden) that are in the process of more quickly re-opening. No matter what one thinks personally about those changes (or what the public health officials say about them), I very much hope that they do not experience a resurgence in deaths.

On a related note, and trying very very hard not to touch on politics as I see way to much of them these days, I tend to think that any public official who is making definitive statements about this disease and restrictions that may be needed 6-8 months from now is being short sighted. The information we have about the virus is evolving so rapidly that no one can make solid predictions about what things will be like in 1-2 months, let along in 8. And, while I do hope we find a vaccine for the virus soon, I would not want to place bets on one being available by early 2021.

In good news, though, it looks like the number of hospitalizations here in Colorado for the virus, along with the death toll, have been rapidly decreasing over the last week. Lets hope, and pray, that this continues so we can at least enjoy the summer in the mountains, no matter what the winter may hold.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby jbotti » Wed May 13, 2020 8:59 am

Well here is some good news. Not sure if it's the right decision but...

https://www.opb.org/news/article/ski-ti ... you_missed
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby ErikCO » Wed May 13, 2020 2:26 pm

That's a little surprising. Part of the reason I don't expect Colorado ski resorts to re-open is that, at this point, they will be asking for severe over-crowding. If they were allowed to re-open, there just wouldn't be many to spread crowds out. I would think Arapaho, part of Breck, and possibly part of Winter Park might open. Given the number of people likely to show up, I can totally understand public health officials wanting to keep them closed (and other than possibly showing up for an early morning skin and one run down, I can't imagine myself wanting to deal with the likely crowds!). I would think Mt Hood would have a similar problem with crowding, being so close to Portland.

If there were going to be ski areas that could open relatively safely without too much crowding, it would be the small ones a long way from population centers (I'm thinking Wolf Creek, Teluride, Silverton), but they are all way past their normal closing dates, so I don't see it happening.

I'm just a little upset that they are delaying opening Independence Pass. I was hoping to get a weekend or two of good backcountry runs fairly close to a road in that area.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby RyanAllen » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:36 am

Referring to the 20-21 Season in general, is anyone considering the Ikon Passes? I'm thinking about the Base Pass for $699 - price is good until June 17. That would cover my passes for camp at A. Basin. It also includes passes for Copper and Winterpark (I've never skied in Summit Co.) as well as the Boynes here in Michigan. I'm hoping to make two trips to CO this coming winter and would be interested in social skiing with other PMTSr's. Thoughts / suggestions?
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby jbotti » Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:45 am

With day passes at many resorts now in the $125-175 range, its hard to not make the case for buying one of the two main passes (epic and or Ikon) depending on where you ski or plan on skiing. Payback/breakeven on most is around 4-6 days of skiing (more days if you ski at places with lower priced day passes). If you do make 2 trips to Colorado and ski 4 days each trip, you are already ahead of the game. The only other thing to think about is an A basin midweek pass which cost $349. You get nothing else but if you are only skiing at A basin on your trips this is the less expensive option. Of course this does nothing for you locally which again says one of the big passes makes sense.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby ErikCO » Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:05 am

Last year I had both an Ikon and an A basin midweek pass, but I got the midweek pass before Ikon added some free days at Arapahoe. This year, I'm just going with an Ikon and maybe a Loveland 4-pack. I believe that the Ikon pass has an option to change the 20-21 pass into a 21-22 pass up through November (as long as you haven't used it yet) in case the virus comes back with a vengeance and there isn't a Colorado ski season this winter.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby jbotti » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:50 pm

Have to say watching the explosion in Covid-19 cases in states like Texas, Arizona and Florida and knowing what is happening in my home county (Marin ) in California (where cases have doubled in the last week albeit from a very low base with mostly everyone here wearing masks), I am not at all optimistic about the 20-21 ski season. I do think many resorts will be open but I think there will be austere limits to how many skiers will be on the mountain each day. For the days that you win the lottery and get the opportunity to ski, it should be great. I just don't think anyone is going to get in a lot of days. Unfortunately it is looking more and more like we will live with the pandemic until we have a vaccine and while I am optimistic that one will be available sooner than the traditional timeline, at best it is a mid 2021 event (maybe 1st quarter 2021?). Florida with temps every day in the 90sF is destroying the notion that warm weather will kill or reduce the virus.

Stay well all, be smart, wear masks (even if your politics urges you otherwise) and let's hope that science and technology lick this thing sometime in 2021.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby midwif » Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:33 pm

Masks work. If we all had been wearing them from the start and continued, the numbers would have been SO MUCH LESS!.
I work in a city hospital in the bronx, a covid surge site. We had only a handful of tests, used on only the sickest of patients. We knew we were seeing and dealing with many + covid patients who weren't seriously ill, so unconfirmed.
With all the patients and staff wearing mutual masks, no infection amongst staff.
And I'm not even talking N95 masks. Just surgical masks with extra full face shield over mask at deliveries of known positive patients ( I'm a midwife )
I did consider wearing an old pair of ski goggles at one point before we got enough face shields.

For ski season, N95 balaclavas! New resort requirement? Possible new entrepreneurial opportunity!
As awful as it is to wear a mask all day, I'll do it so I can ski.
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Re: 20-21 Ski Season

Postby jbotti » Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:02 am

Vail/Epic is out with their plan and guidelines for the 20-21 ski season. They will be using a reservation system that prioritizes passholders. Full details in the link below:

https://www.epicpass.com/info/letter-to ... ss-holders
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