Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:02 pm

Hi guys

A little info about me and this video.

I have been ski teaching in Austria for 2 winters. Before I started teaching, I only skied once for one week in Bulgaria when I was 25/26, a couple of years after I snowboard for 1 week and then another couple years later another 1 week snowboard trip. I began my ski teaching career when I was 30/31 so I was a complete rookie before I went to train for my Austrian Anwaerter.

Anyway, I'm 170cm in height, weigh between 68 and 70kg, I wear Lange 130 flex wide RS with Aline insoles which are not canted, I ride on Salomon X-Race 180cm 19m radius. I am knock kneed and Jeet is helping me work on canting my boots but I would absolutely welcome everybody else' input.

Before the video, I worked furiously over 2 weeks on the phantom move+boot lift and touch, flexing CA/CB, no swing pole tap, 2FR - 1st week about 2 days 4 to 5 hours each, 2nd week about 3 days 4 to 5 hours each. I had Jeet coachiing me and giving feedback on my skiing. I have been reading up on HH's ACBAES 1+2 and the PMTS instructors manual.

In the video, I know I have to work on EVERYTHING - I need to get rid of my extension, I need to pull my free foot back, I pivot my skis in some turns and there some noticeable wedging. On a brighter note, the music rocks.

Please throw everything at me! Shaky handy hand cam was Jeet's - haha!

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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby jbotti » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:09 pm

willwingpang wrote:Hi guys

In the video, I know I have to work on EVERYTHING - I need to get rid of my extension, I need to pull my free foot back, I pivot my skis in some turns and there some noticeable wedging.


All that may be true but your focus right now should be on tipping as there is very litle occurring. As Diana likes to say, everything else is the icing, Tipping is the cake.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:14 pm

Hi Jbotti - Understood.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby Robert0325 » Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:12 pm

jbotti wrote:All that may be true but your focus right now should be on tipping as there is very litle occurring. As Diana likes to say, everything else is the icing, Tipping is the cake.

It's enough for brush turns though presumably?
Sorry Will to high jack your thread but interested to know if you should always aim to tip so much particularly if you want to shed some speed?
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:09 am

Hi Robert

Robert said: It's enough for brush turns though presumably? Sorry Will to high jack your thread but interested to know if you should always aim to tip so much particularly if you want to shed some speed?

If I am achieve a particular level with a particular accreditation, then I want to achieive this or similarly:

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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby skijim13 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:04 am

Will, learning PMTS correctly takes a great deal of time. I come from a PSIA background and had a great deal of old movements I had to get rid of. I suggest you start off with tipping first and become an expert at it first. Tippping meansgetting on the edges and off the edges. The hardest part of a turn is the transition, most other systems do not have a release of their turns and require a push off to get out of the turns usually resulting in a wedge entry. I suggest once you learn how to tip on and off your edges, next study the basic phantom move in Expert one. Without good tipping the addition of CA and CB does not help. Once you further study PMTS you will learn about the primary movements which are tipping (inverion and eversion of the foot), Flexing and extending the leg, Plantar and dorsiflexion of the foot, and moving the foot fore and aft. The secondary movements of PMTS that help enhance the primary movements are effective arm and hand movements, movements around the hip and pelvis (CA, CB). However you can still ski without the secondary movements but not without the primary movements. Thus we first learn the primary movements and then add the secondary movements. I have been working on PMTS for over 4 years and can tell you that I still need to improve my tipping movements, think of tipping as the most important movement you have for your skiing performance. Remember to keep tipping throughout the turn and do so in a analog fashion not a digitial one. Building a tipping board as outlined in the website and doing the drills on the site will also help you.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:19 am

Hi Skijim

You are absolutely correct, like you and Jbotti and many others will agree, I'll practice my tipping.

Appreciating the feedback, can't believe why I didn't join the forum before I started my second season in Austria.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:34 am

Hi Robert

I was meant to post this video, although the last one was super cool!

HH's Brushed Carve Demo: https://youtu.be/jPgt07ScENc
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby nipper » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:38 am

Buy the brushed carve e video. Diana explains and demonstates very well
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby ToddW » Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:09 pm


Here's a precursor to tipping that will make your tipping efforts more successful. Early in Expert Skier, Harald points out two things that will immediately improve your skiing.

1) narrow your stance. Bring your feet close together. That means a few finger widths of air gap between the boots or less. Think pull your feet together ... not your knees because that thought will likely activate different muscles.

2) balance on one ski. Lift the inside ski to prove that your weight and balance are on the outside ski. Keep the inside ski lifted for the whole turn. Do this for the next several months ("lifting is for learning, lightening is for expert skiers") It's difficult to tip a weighted ski; whereas it's "easy" to tip an unweighted inside ski. Lifting means a centimeter or a few cm off the snow, just enough to be off the snow. Lifting higher than that is not productive.

Your turns are fairly quick. To reinforce your tipping efforts, slow the turns down and make the turn radius much larger. This will make it easier for you to rely on tipping to cause the whole turn rather than "juicing" the turn to get the skis around quickly. Your body needs to learn to rely on, trust, and prefer tipping. Developing this preference takes time, so widen the turns to create a good learning environment.

JBotti mentioned Diana. The first time I skied with her, she would sing this little ditty on the chairlift after every run: Tip and tip and tip some more ... tip and tip and tippy tip. It's not uncommon for her to call out "double it" at camps to groups working on their tipping. "It" refers to the degree of tipping that they are achieving. To give you an idea of the scale of tipping that she teaches, she often characterizes the desired degree of tipping for an exercise by saying 1) arch -- show the arch of your free foot to the stance ski, 2) under arch -- show the part of the boot under your arch to the stance ski, and 3) way under arch -- tip so much you feel like a human contortionist.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby mardale » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:05 pm

ToddW wrote:Will,

JBotti mentioned Diana. The first time I skied with her, she would sing this little ditty on the chairlift after every run: Tip and tip and tip some more ... tip and tip and tippy tip. It's not uncommon for her to call out "double it" at camps to groups working on their tipping. "It" refers to the degree of tipping that they are achieving. To give you an idea of the scale of tipping that she teaches, she often characterizes the desired degree of tipping for an exercise by saying 1) arch -- show the arch of your free foot to the stance ski, 2) under arch -- show the part of the boot under your arch to the stance ski, and 3) way under arch -- tip so much you feel like a human contortionist.

I did not ski with Diana, but to put that in perspective for Will - I do see you trying to tip the inside ski even in the first few turns of your first run and I recognize the effort it takes. The problem is that you can't really tip the boot if the leg stays long as you try to do that. Slow down and focus on one sequence: lift the tail and tip the boot!
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby NoCleverName » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:56 am

You can learn a lot from the new dryland training video just posted on the Harb Ski Systems site in their eVideos section. Diana does a great job of illustrating how to perform each essential ... and you don't even need to be on the slope! 10 bucks well spent.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:51 pm


I will have a look for the video, thanks for the advice!
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby Max_501 » Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:10 pm

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Re: Will Wing Pang MA REQUEST

Postby willwingpang » Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:39 am

Hi Max501

This video of HH's slantboard is great, thanks for the link!
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