Valuable archives:Does PMTS forum on RealSkiers still exist?

PMTS Forum

Valuable archives:Does PMTS forum on RealSkiers still exist?

Postby AnI » Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:05 pm

I've been browsing through old posts made by PMTS instructors on various forums before appeared. Many of these posts date 10 or more years back, but they are still valid and valuable. For example, I found almost 90 Jay's posts on EpicSki many of which I really liked. I also saw references to pmts forum on RealSkiers site. However, none of the links works, and there is no link to forums from, as far as I can see not being a current subscriber. I wonder if that forum was removed from their server and vanished, or if one still can get access to it if one subscribes to RealSkiers site?

The other question, does anyone have PMTS newsletters which Harald used to distribute some 10 years ago or so? There is probably nothing in them that is not in the books, but still I would not mind getting hold of them if at all possible...

There is so much good information scattered around this and older forums, oftentimes one finds real gems.
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Re: Valuable archives:Does PMTS forum on RealSkiers still ex

Postby ToddW » Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:23 pm

The content from the old realskiers site is here on this forum, but you'll have to search to find it since the URL's have changed to reflect the "new" hosting. Sometimes you can grab the "viewtopic.php?t=xxx" part of an old URL and append it to and get to the desired thread.

Diana extracted all of the instructional and technique articles from the FrameMaker source of the original newsletters and posted them on in the Read & Talk section. News about accreditations, camps, etc is what hasn't been preserved.
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Re: Valuable archives:Does PMTS forum on RealSkiers still ex

Postby h.harb » Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:09 am

I don't consider Real Skiers an asset web page any longer. They have gone mainstream as all magazines have to do to cater to the ski industry.
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