Unintended Consequences...?

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Unintended Consequences...?

Postby arothafel » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:00 am

*** Not meant to be a political discussion re: right or wrong. Just a bit of marketing curiosity. ***

A friend of mine (non-PMTS unfortunately) who, for the last 6 years has booked a family vacation at Vail.... has decided to move the vacation to Utah because of the new pot law in Colorado. He has kids (12 and 14) and is worried about all the "stoner" skiers and maybe even workers on the mountain. His worries are both about safety and exposing his kids to the "new environment."

I told him that I thought the "stoners" have already been on the mountains for years and that he's been skiing among them and perhaps didn't notice.

This is just one example. But, here's a guy who's taking about 5,000 to $7,000 (maybe more) out of the state and moving it to Utah. It makes me wonder if he's an isolated case or if this a growing concern for CO ski resorts.

What do you guys in Colorado hear...?
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby CO_Steve » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:04 pm

Honestly, in the last few months it feels like I see it less. When the law first passed the Basin was a cloud of smoke. You could literally smell it driving by on the highway with the windows closed. Keystone too, it was a common sight. We've been up there the last week since Keystone closed and I can't recall running into any. I have a theory that before the law changed institutions were hesitant to report pot smokers. No one wanted to get someone arrested and sent to jail. After the law changed the no smoking/public intoxication laws are being more heavily enforced. Keystone had people checking every gondola car for smoking. I heard the Forest Service was handing out tickets at Breck. From what I understand Vail Corp drug tests.

Perception is everything and I'm sure some people are choosing to take their ski vacations other than Colorado. The people coming here seems to have changed as well. 5-10 years ago spring break all the cars had Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas license plates. This year it was CA, Ill, NY.

The real estate market here is dead. A year and a half ago we wanted to sell our home in Keystone and build a nicer place away from the resort traffic. Our house has been listed for over a year with no offers. We rarely get any showings. To be honest if we sold tomorrow I'd be hesitant to reinvest in Summit County.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby Max_501 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:36 pm

arothafel wrote:He has kids (12 and 14) and is worried about all the "stoner" skiers and maybe even workers on the mountain. His worries are both about safety and exposing his kids to the "new environment."

http://www.casacolumbia.org/addiction-r ... teens-2012

The survey found that 86% of American high school students said that some classmates drink, use drugs and smoke during the school day. Additionally, 44% of high school students knew a student who sold drugs at their school. Asked what drugs students sold on school grounds, 91% said marijuana, 24% said prescription drugs, 9% said cocaine and 7% said ecstasy.

The survey also revealed that 52% of high school students said that there was a place on school grounds or near school where students can go to use drugs, drink or smoke during the school day, and 36% said it was easy for students to use drugs, drink or smoke during the school day without getting caught.

75% of 12-to-17-year-olds said that seeing pictures of teens partying with alcohol or marijuana on Facebook, MySpace or another social networking site encouraged other teens to want to party like that. 45% of teens have seen pictures on social networking sites of other teens getting drunk, passed out or using drugs, and 47% of teens who have seen these pictures said that it seemed like the teens in the pictures were having a good time.


Marijuana is the illicit drug most likely to be used by teens in the U.S. According to the 2012 Monitoring the Future (MTF) Study, 45.3% of U.S. 12th graders reported having used marijuana once or more in their lifetime, with 22.9% reporting use in the previous 30 days.

In our state, the 2012 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey reported that approximately 19% of students in the 10th grade and 27% of students in the 12th reported current marijuana use, almost double the percentage who smoke cigarettes. Fewer students in grades 8, 10, and 12 perceive a great risk of harm in using marijuana regularly, and among 10th graders, that percentage dropped from 65% in 2000 to 46% in 2012. More than half of Washington’s 10th graders report it is easy for them to get marijuana.

Nationally, while the proportion of students using marijuana decreased from 2011-2012, use was still relatively widespread among secondary school students, particularly older males, and more students are using marijuana daily than they were five years ago (daily use among 12th graders increased from 5.1% to 6.5%).


Marijuana use is widespread among adolescents and young adults. The percentage of middle-school students who reported using marijuana increased throughout the early 1990s. In the past few years, according to the 2004 Monitoring the Future Survey, an annual survey of drug use among the Nation’s middle and high school students, illicit drug use by 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders has leveled off. Still, in 2004, 16% of 8th-graders reported that they had tried marijuana, and 6% were current users (defined as having used the drug in the 30 days preceding the survey). Among 10th-graders, 35% had tried marijuana sometime in their lives, and 16% were current users. As would be expected, rates of use among 12th-graders were higher still. Forty-six percent had tried marijuana at some time, and 20% were current users.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby arothafel » Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:40 pm

Agree with you Max, that he's overly concerned.

My curiosity is more marketing oriented, re: whether or not ski vacationers may take their business elsewhere.

I just learned that it gets really tricky for ski areas that are on Federal Land. The state and federal laws for pot are different.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby HighAngles » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:25 am

I doubt that Colorado is concerned about the few families that are making similar decisions. In fact, they're laughing all the way to the bank. The coffers are being lined with more money than they were even close to predicting. The tax revenues from this decision are really what the vote was about. Take an illegal activity and drive it above board where it is better regulated and legally enforced.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby CO_Steve » Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:58 am

HighAngles wrote: The tax revenues from this decision are really what the vote was about. Take an illegal activity and drive it above board where it is better regulated and legally enforced.

So why stop here? Why not murder for hire? $10-20k for a state permit and have at it. I'm sure the tax revenues would soar. Probably lose some tourist money though. :roll:

Saw an interview on Denver TV. They were talking to a Boulder drug dealer. He said business was great. The state taxes have made legal MJ 2-3 times more expensive than the street price.
Of course now that there's a financial interest I'm sure law enforcement will soon put him out of business. Got to squash the competition.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby Max_501 » Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:06 am

arothafel wrote:My curiosity is more marketing oriented, re: whether or not ski vacationers may take their business elsewhere.

Because of the reasons outlined above I doubt things change. Plus, hasn't it been part of the snow sports culture for decades?
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby arothafel » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:23 am

Plus, hasn't it been part of the snow sports culture for decades?

Yup.... that was my argument, also. But, that's what you and I believe to be reality. My friend is working with his own perception of reality. End result is some shifting dollars.

My friend may be an anomoly. We'll see over time with the "Skier Days" stats from the resorts.

My gut feel is that there will be no real noticeable difference. Colorado will always be a mecca for skiers.

Nonetheless, still intrigued.

Why not murder for hire? $10-20k for a state permit and have at it.

That would work really well in California for the "road rage" on the freeways...!!! :lol:
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby Max_501 » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:55 am

arothafel wrote:My friend is working with his own perception of reality. End result is some shifting dollars.

So your friend has been skiing in CO for years but has never noticed the party culture?

arothafel wrote:My gut feel is that there will be no real noticeable difference. Colorado will always be a mecca for skiers.

If any change at all I'd guess an increase as teens and young adults select that area over other options.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby arothafel » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:03 pm

Jeezzz... after reading this... it seems like it would be easier for pot smokers to ski anywhere BUT Colorado...!

CO_Steve - this dovetails into what you were relating...

http://local.msn.com/how-do-the-new-mar ... ki-resorts
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby CO_Steve » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:46 pm

I've heard some second hand stories about folks who came to Colorado to smoke weed. Fly in, stop in Denver at a pot shop. Can't smoke in the rental car, can't smoke in the rental condo, can't smoke on the hill, can't smoke in public. ????? I parked next to a rental car the other day and there was a sticker on the window that said smoking in the car would invoke a $2-300 cleaning fee. Signs at the airport reportedly remind you not to take your legal weed home with you.

Things have changed since the law first went into effect. Last summer I was at a free outdoor concert in Dillon. It's no smoking, no outside alcohol. I saw a cop hassle a guy in front of me for drinking a beer. Another cop confronted a guy who lit up a cigarette. When the music started about 30 people in my area lit up a joint, cops did nothing. It will be interesting to go to the same venue this summer.
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Re: Unintended Consequences...?

Postby milesb » Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:14 pm

Send him to Baldy, the only people getting high there are the cancer and glaucoma victims. It's pretty remarkable that so many of them go skiing!
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