Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

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Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby skijim13 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:04 am

After learning the PMTS teaching method for first time skiers from the video and instructor manual it will be hard to teach our new Terrain Based teaching method (station teaching) at our ski school here is the lesson plan we are going to teach this year I know I will not be teaching this in my private lessons

• Focus on the experience: Create an environment where you don’t just learn to slide, you learn to become a slider. Use words from our culture. Avoid lesson-like words.
• Instructors are facilitators. Encourage them to “Try this” then allow them to explore.
• Don’t say too much, use positive feedback.
• Use appropriate terrain to control speed and minimize fear.
• Avoid words like: Drill, Task, Lesson, etc… Instead, use: Trick, Move, Skill, etc…

The lesson can be divided into 3 stages, which we call “zones”:
Zone 1: Stance, Balance, Stop in straight line
Coach/Guide to:
- Maintain a stance that would keep them standing if skis were not on
- Equal balance on both feet
- Equal steering of both legs
- Equal edge on both skis
If needed:
- Sidestep, herringbone, hop, turn toes in, walk through “S” turns with both skis on
- Walk or scooter with only one foot in
- Walk, hop or make bowties with skis off
Making terrain choices:
- Pitch
- Snow speed/Condition
- Shape and size of terrain features
- Availability/Crowd volume
Graduation Criteria: guest has the ability to control speed and stop in a straight line on the terrain of the day.

Zone 2: Turn Left and Right to a stop
Coach/Guide to:
- Have more balance on turning ski
- Turn the ski with the leg
- Tip turning ski with ankle and knee
If needed teach surface lift safety
Graduation Criteria: Guest can turn left and right to a stop

Zone 3: Link Turns and control speed with turn shape
Coach/Guide to:
- Have a deliberate transfer of balance from outside ski to outside ski
- Use different amounts of leg steering and tipping the outside ski to create and control turn shape
Graduation Criteria: Guest can link turns and control speed with turn shape
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Re: Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby Skiasaurus Rex » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:37 am

How much flexibility at Blue (is that were you are?) do they afford a seasoned teacher? Do they really supervise every group lesson to make sure there is no deviation from the fairly rigid program?

Others have told me that once they became fairly established teachers they were allowed to, or maybe just able to structure lessons anyway they saw fit. Maybe other active PMTS skiers who are also instructors can chime in. There must be a way for you to insert the knowledge you've gained into the lessons you teach. Any school that is so rigid it doesn't allow the individual talent and experience of it's teachers to thrive in the classroom setting is destined to fail: Ski school or any kind of school.

I just read Jackson Hogen's blog post about how all beginner group lessons should be completely free, including giving them decent fitting boots and skis designed to learn on progressively…something my long time ski instructor/ industry worker friend has argued for years. Makes good sense to me as well. Imagine the retention rates if newbie skiers not only got free lessons, but were taught techniques that actually make skiing fun right from the very beginning??
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Re: Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby KWayne » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:03 am

This is my first time posting on this wonderful forum. I've been using PMTS for about 6 years. I have every book and DVD from Harb Ski Systems. Thank you Harold for all you do!
I also have Boots and alignment purchased from Harold's shop in Dillon. They are wonderful. I also am an instructor but I am a level zero non certified instructor, thank you.

Since all our instructors do not use strict terminology for anything, neither do I. Actually, I use strict PMTS terminology. I've gotten away with it for years. I've taught direct parallel and seen students do it on our slope. Other instructors secretly ask me how to ski better, like I do. I'm the only one who skis like PMTS and people can spot the difference a mile away. I keep a low profile verbally and only talk PMTS to ones who are really interested in better skiing.

I really do teach PMTS from the start, however a 45 minute session really limits what you can do. Also, I really enjoy teaching the Ski Patrol members. They are not under PSIA rules or governance and can teach whatever they want. Usually they are more receptive to learning than PSIA members. They just want what works.

I hate the zone system and they use it to move huge amounts of bodies through the "lessons". In a group lesson I can teach a better lesson using essentials theory and get them tipping the boots, balancing on one foot, etc.

It's time to teach it right, you PSIA certified instructors. Since PSIA can't agree on correct terminology, we, too can use terminology of our own choosing. I choose PMTS. I just don't tell them where i learned it. I wish I could give credit to Harald Harb to my ski school, but they don't want to hear. I'm just looking out for the students. When I have a student that really shows a big interest, I steer them to skiwhh on YouTube.

Love you all and thank you for this forum.
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Re: Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby skijim13 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:11 am

I agree with the idea to teach what you want, which is what I do in privates. However; the teaching I posted is done in stations with other instructors and it would confuse the students if I teach them tipping of the free foot and the other instructor teaches them turn the stance leg, so I stick with the lesson plan in station teaching and use PMTS in privates. I find in my private lessons my student progress much faster with teaching PMTS methods than teaching using TTS.
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Re: Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby h.harb » Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:45 pm

Everyone thinks I hate PSIA and CSIA, you have it all wrong. I love those guys, they are making life long customers for me everyday. And they are sending their money and marketing dollars to do it.
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Re: Teaching First Time Skiers Wrong From The Start

Postby skijim13 » Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:18 am

True there are many PSIA members that study PMTS in secret, I was commented that I make I now make the best wedge Christie turns (If they only knew I was using the phantom drag in them). I have purchased more PMTS educational material than PSIA books because they lack any useful information.
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