Booster Straps

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Booster Straps

Postby John Mason » Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:16 pm

Ok, I put off getting them. I poped by the shop a long time ago and they were out. I figured my liners have a strap, my boot has a strap, what's the big deal with a Booster strap.

So, I got them put on when I was out last week. I went down some runs at Keystone with Hobbit and at first I didn't really notice much difference.

Then Hobbit at the break reviewed how I was using them and:

1. I left my top boot buckles on tight
2. I put the booster strap over the top of my zip fit liner strap
3. I did not have them on tight enough to have the streched

So, Hobbit helped me correct the top three things so I could stand and flex and feel the progressive give with resistance like you are supposed to with the booster straps. Then we went out and skied.

Why oh Why did I not get these sooner!!!!!!

The feedback for fore/aft balance, the ease of connecting and playing with the transition, the staying in contact with my skis throughout all aspects of my turns, the level of difference is just hard to describe.

What a tremendously fun tweak to the boots!
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Booster Straps

Postby Bob » Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:50 pm

This sounds interesting. I'd like to learn more.
How expensive are they? Do they need to be "installed" by a
boot tech or could I buy a pair and just put them on??
Thanks for any input!
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Postby Ken » Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:10 pm

Rooster today
Feather duster tomorrow

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Postby John Mason » Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:43 pm

Hobbit had me un-do my top buckle with the booster straps. On my boots with the top buckle fastened there was not near the effect as leaving the top buckle undone and allowing the pre-streched booster strap to perform that function.

I don't see that mentioned on the links in the prior thread about instructions.

The goal from how Hobbit had me test the setup was to be able to stand and flex forward and be both able to flex in the first place (accomplished by losening the 2nd buckle down from the top and undoing the top buckle) and feeling a strong progessive resistance to that flex from the boster strap on the liner tongue. Hobbit also recommended some slick leather treatment on the area of friction between the booster strap and my leather zip fits to improve function and to reduce wear to my liner.

With my boot buckles left tight in addition to the boot strap there was little change from not having the booster strap.

It would appear the reason these help is allowing the upper part of the boot to be made flexible for flexion, yet retaining a strong leg to ski connection.

(In spite of posts I've seen elseware that even had an animated stick figure to show that flexion isn't needed or even desired)
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Postby skiman123321 » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:29 pm

I just want to make sure I really understand how to use the booster correctly. Forgive me if this seems redundant.

1 Place the booster strap around the top of the liner and behind the hard plastic shell.

2 Leave the top buckle undone or very loose.

3 Tighten the booster until is just becomes snug.

I assume you buckle the second buckle down normally. Is that correct?

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Postby Max_501 » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:58 pm

skiman123321 wrote:2 Leave the top buckle undone or very loose.

This depends a bit on your level of skiing and personal preference. I have the boosters but still tighten my top buckle. I like the booster because it keeps the tongue against my shin at all time (basically eliminating shin bang).
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one other emphasis

Postby John Mason » Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:08 pm

On mine, the way Hobbit set me up, and on one of the linked sites, we pulled the booster so it was streched about 1 inch. We did not just tighten it so it was snug to the liner tongue.

Max, in my case, with the booster strap in place, if I fasten my top buckle it is a real chore even with it set as loose as can be and is too tight on my calves. I did it the first time and could not do the standing flexion test. We skied some runs this way and I did not see any big difference with teh straps in my setup. Unfastening the top buckle and relying on the pre-streched booster strap gave me the progressive flexion as well as making the top buckle not seem needed at all. Might be a completely different circumstance on a different boot and leg for all I know.

In my case, having the booster pre-streched - 1 inch past snug, and leaving the top buckle undone felt just great on the slopes.
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Postby famattjr » Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:12 pm

I have had boosters for a while. I havn't seen many guides as to how to use them. Are you saying it's best to avoid contact with the shell, in other words, have the boosters up above the shell but in contact with the liner where it rises above the plastic shell?
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Postby John Mason » Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:56 pm

Yes - against the tongue of the liner. If you boot doesn't accomodate this well, then you can usually cut the boot a bit to allow this.

This is my understanding of it anyway. No official reply to this thread has occured yet.
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Postby Max_501 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:52 pm

famattjr wrote:I have had boosters for a while. I havn't seen many guides as to how to use them. Are you saying it's best to avoid contact with the shell, in other words, have the boosters up above the shell but in contact with the liner where it rises above the plastic shell?

My boosters replaced the power strap on my boots. They are attached to the shell in back and then they wrap around the front of the boot and pull the liner tongue up against my shin. So, when I flex forward the tongue is always touching my shin eliminating shin bang. I don't run the top buckle loose because I want that support when I'm skiing.
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Postby Hobbit » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:01 pm

I suggest reviwing this thread where we already discussed this topic in some detail.

Also, some time ago we had the nice pictures of the booster straps mount posted by SLAVA but it looks like they are not in place amymore. SLAVA, if you still have the pictures and could re-post them it would be helpful for other folks.

On most boots that I've seen the best results can be achieved when the booster strap is attached inside of the shell which is opposite to what the installation instructions suggests. When the booster is inside of the shell is has 100% contact with the liner exterior surface and this makes a huge difference.
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Postby SLAVA » Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:32 pm

Don't have it any more but I just taken new set of pictures
The way it pictured that's the way i ware them now after 2 years
I figured it's the best for me

Notice how loose the upper buckle is. I ski this way even in bumps and it gives me plenty of support.
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Postby Narrowfeet » Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:57 pm


Just got my Head TI 103 like yours. Do you have the Booster over the top of the plastic flap that comes from the outside of the boot, or under it?
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Postby SLAVA » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:43 pm

If I understood you correctly you are refining to the front of the boot.
It is over the plastic.

Did you buy your boots new? How much are they going for in this days?
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