Dynamic skiing taken to keep certification

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Dynamic skiing taken to keep certification

Postby skijim13 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:36 am

Last week Lorie and I attended a one day event called dynamic skiing to keep our PSIA certification my goal is to teach out West when I retire and just teach privates. We both viewed it as a fun day of skiing, and that is all we got from it. The trainer road the lift with Lorie and I and told us he saw that we were skiing using the methods of Harald Harb, he said he will give us not feedback because he did not want to mess with our skiing. He told me that people using his system always uses the crossover of the center of mass where the PSIA sometimes uses it by not always. When he spoke with the group about the skills needed in dynamic skiing he missed many key skills needed like increase of tipping, flexing, CA/CB (they call it angulation). One of the women in the group I knew well was a race coach and had not CA, he tried to coach her on it but did not use any of the ideas I would of used and never spoke about the hips and only cared about the torso. We did some easy bumps, he liked the way I made turns around the bumps by told me I should have been flexed less and stood tall to absorb the bumps. Sad that a Level III examiner has such a low knowledge of skiing.
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Joined: Wed May 22, 2013 9:17 am
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Re: Dynamic skiing taken to keep certification

Postby ChrisV » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:01 pm

skijim13 wrote:The trainer road the lift with Lorie and I and told us he saw that we were skiing using the methods of Harald Harb, he said he will give us not feedback because he did not want to mess with our skiing. ...Sad that a Level III examiner has such a low knowledge of skiing.

Well, to his credit he didn't try to "fix" you, nor did he try to improve body mechanics that he didn't understand. You might not always be so lucky.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:52 am

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