The Game Changers Movie...

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The Game Changers Movie...

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Sat Nov 23, 2019 2:56 am

Anyone else seen this movie?

“The Game Changers” on Netflix

I thought it was amazing and unusually, without an agenda..I am seriously considering going plant based..well, at least trying. I have been paleo for the last 8 yrs, so need to work out a way of reducing my meat intake without eating resorting to grains...
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Re: The Game Changers Movie...

Postby Marc » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:11 am

Yes, I liked it too, but halfway through it I turned it off. This article summarize my thougts and more: ... eferences/

Edit: I was vegetarian for 10 years many years ago but now I'm closer to paleo (no grains, no dairy products)
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Re: The Game Changers Movie...

Postby willwingpang » Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:24 pm

I have also seen the film. I always knew eating less meat or no meat and eating more nuts, vegetables and pulses is better for your health and the environment and the animals. I'm am slowly turning toward the vegan way of eating.
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Re: The Game Changers Movie...

Postby RyanAllen » Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:18 am

I have been plant based for 2 1/2 years now, and the lifestyle has paid me tremendous dividends. My transition was gradual, as I slowly adopted more fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes into my diet. Eventually, I was down to a few remaining animal products - the occasional lean steak, and yogurt. I "felt" like I needed these things - you know, for protein and calcium. As it turns out, there are better sources! Of all the many benefits of my plant based diet, I would hold out a few as being most valuable to me, they are... 1) I stopped catching colds, 2) I recover much faster from hard workouts, and 3) my blood tests and cholesterol are amazing.

I used to spend a lot of time watching debates between meat eaters and vegans, and to me, the case eventually became settled. I don't feel the need to waste time watching or reading someone's debunk the vegan work. They're a dime a dozen, and typically ridiculous. It's like arguing about climate change - at a certain point I think it's safe to accept the scientific consensus and stop wasting time. The human body is not well suited for consuming animal products. We have teeth for chewing, amylase for digesting, and long GI tracts for breaking down plants. Also, we need fiber. A lot more fiber. Most americans spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about getting enough protein, but get next to no fiber and have lousy gut health. Unlike real carnivores, we also don't metabolize cholesterol very well. It causes heart disease. And, the fact is that a plant based diet is the only diet proven to reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
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Re: The Game Changers Movie...

Postby willwingpang » Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:17 pm

Ryan Allen, you are so right on many things, especially,ly on the fibre part.

In my humble, I think as humans we are missing so much on fibre from legumes and vegetables. What also doesn't help nowadays is that the soil today is being over used, you know, the soil doesn't havnet has much minerals and vitamins as yesteryears or even a few hundred years ago (overfarming). So that some people need additional magnesium supplants, B12 soup based supplement ( or even injections yikes! this was from one person's experiecnce as a raw vegan).

There is huge evidence that eating animal based products can have adverse effects on our health. Espeically for the blood circulation system. We are omnivores by nature, but people have the flexibility to eat what they want. Eating that you want, is more based on what you eat to eat, culture wise. But, we can not be tied down by out cultures, only by our choices.
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Re: The Game Changers Movie...

Postby h.harb » Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:20 pm

You killed this thread!
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