h.harb wrote:No Sofa Ski yet, and no Mount Vacation either, that stuff is early bad.
I'll have to dig some of that up tonight I guess.
h.harb wrote:No Sofa Ski yet, and no Mount Vacation either, that stuff is early bad.
h.harb wrote:Totally agree this is horrible coaching and a terrible message to send out to skiers.
Come on, Man!
This is totally incorrect, no world cup racer, has time to pivot, between edge changes and engagements, what you are misinterpreting is the result of quick release and edge change. He is not pivoting, and no one pivots unless in total trouble. This is wrong information, and the wrong message to the skiing masses.
This simply refers to the fact that the legs extend to to match terrain variations and facilitate ski-snow contact and "shape" to the turn. Legs can continue to rotate as they extend. Depending on the joints that are extending there is still the ability to create angles between the legs andbody regardless of flexion/extension
Legs can continue to rotate as they extend
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