New Andreas Spettel video

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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby h.harb » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:34 am

The discussion about PSIA Demo Team skiing with PMTS movements, needs demonstration. This is the best skier on the PSIA Demo Team. Two clips from a video, gives us a closer look at this skiing, you can see there is nothing here that a PMTS skier would do, on purpose. I can assure you every turn in this video has these same results. This is an extension or at least a push out, or off the ski, after a late hit, in each turn. I don't call this arcing, because it's not, it's skiing that uses a pivoted relatively flat ski, to an edge set.

In PMTS skiing we develop angles higher in the arc and we in PMTS flex the legs to release. Flexed lags in a transition out of the arc, creates early high angles. Notice how in the back seat the skier is after the push off release. There doesn't allow for a transfer of balance and the skis are not tipped or angled, yet. A PMTS skier would be angled or tipping to the LTE, already putting the new inside ski on edge here.

Reilly's skiing shows the PMTS approach to technique and he is definitely already on edge at this point in his arcs..

In this part of the turn weight is on the inside ski, hips square, knee is driving the angles, but most obvious is the lack of balance. There is little or no balance on or toward, the outside ski.

The whole movement pattern breaks down here at the point where the release should be occurring. A PMTS skier would be flexing to flatten the ski, this skier is pushing on the ski to get more grip so he can extend.

It's obvious here that 2 ski weighting is about to happen again, no inside ski tipping, no pull back, and no counter held from a previous turn.

So why is this happening? There are two ways to approach this skiing. That is if the skier wants to change the way he skis or wants to bring his skiing to a higher level. First, is the boot adjustment and alignment. This skier looks cuff "Over strong" and the signs for this come from the knee drive. Now if the skier in addition to a strong cuff, is trying to drive the knee, it doubles the impact. The other reason for this late hit skiing, comes from a series of movement patterns that the skier maybe trying to accomplish. If the skier is trying to steer the skis with the femurs, or as some call it, rotary leg movements, the ski will come on edge late in the turn. The edge that does result is rarely from body angles and a long outside leg, the angles, usually come from the knee, which is also a vulnerable to place to apply and drive forces.
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby h.harb » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:40 am


From these photos you can see the differences between the two approaches are very are obvious. This is PMTS skiing! Counteracted, counter-balanced, angles early, tipping early and the opportunity to flex the outside leg to release the arc. There is also a totally different commitment to balancing. This is evident by the amount of ski bend and ski use is evident early in the arc.



This video (click on the fame) is from last Thursday, Nov. 2. I am dialing in my new boots Head RD, B2, 150 flex. Here, I'm building angles progressively, not aggressively, because my alignment isn't perfect yet. I'm feeling my way into the turn, building the arc, adding angles as the ski feels it's engaging or holding. Also, the skis are demos, the base is 1degree beveled, that is too much for the snow conditions, I prefer to ski .7 or .5 on the base, at this time of year on my skis. So, if I hurry the turn, due to the 1 degree the skis will slip. Building the angles more gradually gives me higher angles, without losing the edge hold. This is how I dial in my boots.
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby blackthorn » Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:41 pm

Riders of the Lost Arc - the Arc of the Covenant - and the Covenant is PMTS.
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby h.harb » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:48 pm

Our covenant is "Better Skiing for all!"
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby noobSkier » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:45 pm

Wow, nice skiing in that last video you get better with age?! I love watching Reilly, Andreas, Berger for their control and athleticism, but for smoothness and precision you take the cake!
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby h.harb » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:14 pm

My goal is not to take any hard hits, why? Well, at 68 with the forces I still generate, I never know what part of the body will let go, a tendon a ligament, a muscle. I want to have a sound back, knees and hips when I'm 90. I try to spread the pressure from the falline to the release, with a decreasing sized arc, and flexing near the release. Otherwise, you get a hit (edge set). Sometimes hits and feet jetting out puts lots of strain on the knees and back. So my goal is to be consistent, make every turn count and make it like the last turn. I'm working up to more speed and angles, as I am stronger this year then last, one extra year on the new knee so it gets better. However, I will keep the risks in check for now anyway. Thanks for the comments, never stop improving your movements and your arcs.
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Re: New Andreas Spettel video

Postby h.harb » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:54 pm

Latest update on my boot set up and a ski change. It's really coming together. Changes include, Cuff adjust, boot interior wall push, bottom canting and even the liner. Then I hand tuned the skis, now it's starting to come together. No way a recreational skier can ever find this combination of things without help. Even ski instructors can't achieve this type of set up on their own.

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