Fore Aft Balance in Movement
As I have said before, I?d love to add comments and help with all these questions on the forum, but right now I?m in the middle of organizing presentations for the next ?International Congress of Skiing and Science?, which is in Aspen, CO, in March.
I am also testing a new product for ski boot, boot boards that we have invented and developed at Harb Ski Systems. I will be traveling in the next few days and weeks to test and introduce these boot boards to the new Head boots for next season. The new boots from Head, by the way, are excellent. This is the most comprehensive line for ski boots I saw at the ski show in Vegas, I just returned.
For/Aft balance:
Controlling and staying in perfect natural for/aft balance while skiing fast GS or slalom turns is an athletic skill bestowed on few individuals. It took me many years of serious training in my racing years to find answers to this problem in my own skiing. It is essential for racers to manage for/aft balance, as when you stay forward for the whole turn, they are slow in races. This of course is less of a problem for recreational skiers. Racers must learn not only how to get forward quickly, but also how to get pressure back through the middle and heel of the foot to accelerate the skis. Notice I say pressure to the heel rather than back of the ski. When you feel the pressure or balance on the back of the ski it is already too late to save the turn.
The definition of ?for to aft balancing? relates to constantly moving and changing relationship of the hips to or over the boots or feet. Commanding this relationship is accomplished by monitoring the sensations relayed from the bottom of the feet, front and side of the shins to your brain. To a lesser degree, but important is tip engagement and ski behavior and that can be felt and realized by the relationship of the body in space and time. Once you have trained yourself to know where you are in space (relationship of hips to slope and skis to the falline) you can be active with adjusting the degree and duration of extreme forward pressure, which is based on hip position and/or feet to hip relationship.
How do you develop this ability? The easiest way you can arrive at the beginning of a turn with proper hip over the feet position is to use the energy from the previous turn to launch you into the optimal position. When you achieve energy enough to do this, you must then learn to organize the body into the feet and hip relationship during what I call ?the float? between turns. As with much of skiing the question becomes, what comes first (chicken or the egg) the energy or the proper positioning of the body/feet to begin turns? To get the energy to achieve enough float between turns to organize yourself for the next turn, depends on how you exit the last turn. So how do get it if you don?t have the energy from one turn to the next? You have to first learn how to move the hips so they are ahead of the feet at the ?High C? (description of high C turn is in articles on the Real Skier member web site) part of the turn. This can be also said in this way: move your feet (back) so ?the hips? are in the proper position for the new turn.
I describe this in both my books as, ?bring the feet back or pulling the feet back?, to hold them under the hips as the hips move forward and into a more direct route to the next turn. The hips move forward relative to the feet. This movement sequence is first trained and learned by performing simple exercises on the flats.
Stand in an upright comfortable position; pull your boots or feet back by sliding the skis and leaning forward with the hips. Now push the feet forward so they end up in front of your knees. Now practice this on the flats until you have strong movement of the feet both back and forward under the hips. The skis have to slide back at least six to twelve inches. Now this is a gross exaggeration of the movement you need to make if you have the ?float? energy from the last turn. This exercise is skiing static, and with the body vertical on the flat, which is very different than moving dynamically and inclined on the slope.
The ?pulling of the feet back? between turns is done during the transition. It is part of the flexing movement of the legs. If you are still pushing off and extending upward to release yourself from turns you will not have success using this method of releasing between turns. This move requires that flexing is the way you release. (Flexing, bending or retracting the legs is explained in Expert Skier 2).
About monitoring sensations:
When you have the knees flexed or bent, pulling the feet back is easier as the hamstring muscles have more leverage from this higher degree of bend. Many skiers respond by saying they don?t feel pulling the feet back or they don?t understand how to achieve pulling the feet back, often because of the reasons I stated earlier. When you are in the optimal position for the beginning of the turn you will feel you hips applying pressure to the front of the boots through the shins. If your hips are too far back your knees will not affect pressure to the front of the boots. Being in proper for/aft balance at the beginning of turn is about where you position the hips not about pushing the knees into the boots.
The role of the skis;
The skis travel ahead of the feet while the body is in transition. But the skis should be tilting to their new edge angles as they travel the wider rounder line than the hips. The hips travel the shorter more direct line to be inside the arc the skis describe. All this occurs during the ?high C? part of the turn. When the skis are aimed straight downhill, half the turn is complete. Most skiers begin their edging at this point that?s why they have difficulty staying forward on their skis. Getting forward is done during or at the upper or High C part of the turn.
A few comments about ski to hip relationship through the turn:
There is no need to push the feet ahead during the carving or arcing phase of the turn, they will more with a natural acceleration that the slope provides. If you are on very steep terrain you may need to hold the feet back under the hips through more of the upper radius and let them go near the end, to release the turn. Great skiers know instinctively how long to hold onto the feet while the feet are under the body. For this reason you never see a great skier out of balance or slipping on ice, as the ski is always inline with Cm pressure and the their body mass is lined up with the ski. If your body mass, hips or center are behind the feet you can not engage and pressure the ski (at least not for very long).
While in the turn use the flexing and pulling back of the free foot and ankle to add forward positioning to your body. Extending the inside leg has no benefits, as this will move the boot forward and reduce body angles to the slope.
When you begin training these movements and monitoring your experience, work with larger turns on moderate slopes at the beginning. The movements will feel contrived and mechanical at first, but you will find you will be able to work through that phase and produce a huge change in your skiing if you stick with it. I have done this process with many developing racers that went on to great achievements.
I know there will be many questions about this advice and I may not be able to respond for some time, so respond to each other?s questions and work through this while I am gone. Thank you for your interest and participation and I hope this helps to clear up some confusion about proper for/aft balancing.