PMTS instruction in Europe

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PMTS instruction in Europe

Postby littlelegs » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:47 pm

I got AOCBAES II last Christmas and read it from cover to cover, several times, before my trip to Tignes in January.
Discovering the phantom move after 18 years of skiing TTS was a revelation. By the second day I was able to release effectively rather than push out of the turns. I feel that this alone reduced the effort to ski by at least 30%.
Now although I was a long way short of skiing with perfect PMTS technique and I was struggling in the heavy snow to maintain any sort of form, I felt a huge improvement in my skiing by the end of the week.
I have also now ordered "Essentials of skiing" which I am looking forward to reading.

My question is -Is there any PMTS instruction available in the French Alps?
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:41 pm
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