Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a level

Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a level

Postby h.harb » Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:49 pm

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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby arnokamphuis » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:58 am

What I also seem to notice was that her stance was more narrow. Still not as narrow as Marlies Schild, but more narrow compared to a couple of races ago. Did I see this correctly?

Also, her fore/aft-balance seemed to be good and this saved here at least once in the second run a few gates before the end.
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby h.harb » Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:56 am

Yes she was keeping her feet closer. The irony is that we can see what a benefit this is to skiing at this level, yet in the junior ranks the coaches are "Still" telling kids to get their feet apart farther. Amazing. Thanks USSA for the education. There is even less leadership in USSA than in PSIA, we are in for a long haul of bad mechanics. I had a young man in the shop for alignment yesterday. He is 14 and was 2.5 degrees knocked kneed on one side. And the race program he is skiing in, the coaches are telling him to get his feet further apart. This is criminal. A set up like that is just asking for knee injuries.
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby arnokamphuis » Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:37 am

Wow, thanks for that reply because I seem to have a similar issue. I have been skiing for 34 years now. Back when I started I was taught to keep my feet together. Later, when carving became more popular, I was told to get my feet apart. And now, even my son (just 6yo) gets told to get his feet apart. We both are knock-kneed (is that a word??) and it just doesn't seem to work. I just recently came across PMTS, and I am sooo happy. Just a few tips related to PMTS and my son started skiing more parallel. And I am now rediscovering relaxed skiing myself :D We (my son and I) watch every World Cup race and he is starting to see the good and 'bad' things in the techniques.
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby Max_501 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:25 pm

Unless your stance is so close together that you are constantly banging skis there isn't any reason to add more horizontal width. The separation should come from pulling the inside foot UP, UP, UP!
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby arnokamphuis » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:30 pm

I definitely do not bang my skis together, neither does my son, but he is still too far apart (thanks to the wedge he started with :cry: ) I'm trying to teach the narrow stance also now to my son, and he is responding to this quite well. And when we look at the action photos from the world cup he is actually saying just what you just said: feet too far apart and the inside leg is not flexed enough. Funny how kids pick these things up so easily, definitely compared to adults :D
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby h.harb » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:45 pm

Here is something to remember that can save you a lot of grief. Just because someone at your mountain is called a coach, doesn't necessarily mean they know how to make your skiing better.
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby arnokamphuis » Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:02 pm

I keep that in mind, thanks :D
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Re: Schffrin demonstrates some changes that bring her up a l

Postby h.harb » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:59 pm

If you go to You Tube or my Blog there are hundreds of visual references for how close your feet can be while skiing.
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