

Postby h.harb » Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:29 am

This will not get it done against Schild and others. Stance is two wide and too much weight on the inside ski. Very simple concepts but obviously not adhered to, she really needs to keep that inside foot closer and further back.
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Re: Shiffirin

Postby HighAngles » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:11 am

Interesting frame by frame video. Looks like this run was from March 2013 (or earlier). Agreed that the skiing in this video has lots of room for improvement, but it looks like her skiing has improved in this early racing season (but a frame by frame of one of her "good" races from the past month would be needed for a direct comparison).
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Re: Shiffirin

Postby h.harb » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:53 am

It's very clear what works and what doesn't in world cup ski racing. Even if you "show" some clear Essentials in use, they can go away. I too often see Shiffirin employing the same technical break downs as Ted's in slalom. Unfortunately, rather than studying, like you do Mark, many just want to justify previous or unrelated inefficient movements (and want to compare them to PMTS) and have the answers handed to them. And on top of that, they want a personal explanation for each Essential. Aren't we special?

When you earn an education you own it, when it's given to you, it's not nearly as respected or satisfying.
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Re: Shiffirin

Postby h.harb » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:59 am

I have no issues with someone getting things wrong, and asking why? Or asking directly, why is a wide stance is not working, and where does it show up and what results from it? Those are all legit questions, especially when applied to world cup skiers. It's the persistent repeating, and elaborate comparisons to non-PMTS movements and to faulty (BTW, that's the same as justifying) concepts, that is disturbing.
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Re: Shiffirin

Postby h.harb » Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:16 am

There is a clearly repeated theme here on the Forum, if you had not noticed?

Every-time a new person shows up and makes comments, Max_501 responds, "Start with reading "Anyone can be an Expert Skier".

Isn't it interesting when you apply this to Shiffirn's skiing, it's still the right answer, the original, "Phantom Move". She does lift the old stance ski, at transition, at times, but puts it down and weights that inside ski, much too much and much too early. She's not clean. And that's why Schild is going to own her, until ski retires. When the US Ski Team coaches begin to realize that it's not about the "Skills Concept", it's about employing the right movements at the right time; we may finally see some consistent skiing out of the US Super Star skiers. Until then, we are going to have to wait for the next "phenom" time and time again, and we will even wear these skiers out.

And if you wanted a more elaborate explanation of "Inside foot management", beyond the original PM, Read Expert Skier 2! in which case, if done, you will become a student of modern skiing.
Until then, you are really still only poking around in the dark with old concepts.
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