Timberline race team , Bolter's program

Timberline race team , Bolter's program

Postby h.harb » Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:42 pm

I have to give credit to this parent that stands up to the system from Bolter's race program.

On my Facebook page:
"Come on USSA, stop shoving old school PSIA wide-stance skiing down our US racers' throats. Until you stop, the Europeans (and Shiffrin -- who figured out PMTS) will continue to eat our racers' lunches. Article below. Great vid link above of Fenninger eating Vonn's lunch (at a fraction of the weight/size). Read and learn!"
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Re: Timberline race team , Bolter's program

Postby Bolter » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:42 am

Our Team parents are exposed to; and many are trained in PMTS so they know exactly what their kids are being coached. We now have complete buy-in from our parents and coaches. This process of training parents and coaches has been in place for the last 6 years and is getting stronger every year with the support of parents like Brooks.

We have several kids who train midweek at USSA programs at areas closer to home. The coaches (for the most part) know to set for our kids and leave the "coaching" out of it. They know the Timberline kids are on a PMTS program.
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Re: Timberline race team , Bolter's program

Postby arothafel » Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:55 am

Getting to the parents... that's the ticket!

Years ago I consulted a company that was retained by the Miami Dolphins to help with player nutrition as well as modern strength training (a la Jerry Rice). This was due to the number of injuries and slow rehab/recovery time. The idea was to 1.) Make players stronger to reduce injury in the first place and 2.) To speed up recovery if an injury occurred.

The company sent their top guys to Miami. The players totally got the strength training... but not so much the nutrition. In fact, several players fell asleep during a nutrition seminar!

The experts were really disappointed and depressed.

But, then, 3 days later they were all happy and ready to come with a "Mission Accomplished" mentality.

I was stunned. What caused such a turn-around in attitude.

Scott, the company's top nutrition expert, gave it a lot of thought and then figured it all out.

He gathered all the players' wives and girlfriends and told them, "If you like this lifestyle and the money your husband/boyfriend is making... and you want it to continue, then....."

The very next day, almost 100% of the players showed up with little Igloo Coolers filled with highly nutritious foods, snacks and drinks! :D
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Re: Timberline race team , Bolter's program

Postby h.harb » Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:53 am

Art, perfect example, great analogy, that is my strategy, educate the parents, they are mostly smarter than the coaches, if you give them a chance to be.
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