XO Skis

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XO Skis

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:21 am

Anyone had any experience with XO Skis?

Currently in St Anton - long storey, but one of the wife’s skis blew an edge strip out, so she is now on rentals….she is currently on a set of XO V12’s and she loves them - from what I can tell, they look, feel and ski very similar to her TT80’s…they are very light due to the wood core..


There’s is a V3 and V7 ski that has similar dimensions to the old Head Rev80 pro…

I can find reviews online - but typically they are all from skiers that I don’t trust…why is it that a ski with dimensions of the Head super shape e-original etc etc are all seen as intermediate/ recreational skis for intermediate skiers?
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Re: XO Skis

Postby jbotti » Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:16 pm

I know nothing about these skis and this is the first I have heard of the brand. The shapes/dimensions look nice. I will point out that on the "Technology" page they say that the skis are wood core, fiberglass reinforced, sandwich build but: NO METAL!
For me, in carving skis, if they have no metal they might ski OK on soft groomers with hero snow not on anything hard: ice, hard pack or boiler plate, the skis will generally fold if one really works to bend them. I will will also bet the edge hold is not great on ice or anything hard. Many skis with metal that aren't overly stiff will fold in harder conditions, so unless you ski on hero snow all the time, its probably not the right carving ski.

But, their 97 underfoot ski looks similar in dimensions and construction to the old Head Rock N Roll, which also had no metal and was a great all mountain/pow ski for the US Rockies (where we tend to not see ice). That would be a fun ski to try.

Also looking at the profile photos, none of their ski have any pronounced rocker, which is very unusual these days.

If you end up getting on the H31 (the one that's similar to the Head RNR) please leave us a review.
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Re: XO Skis

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:13 am

Jbotti - thanks for taking the time to reply. Great background knowledge to have.

Today, Lucy tested the V7 all over the mountain. She loved it. It arcs like the V12, has tremendous grip at speed and makes light work of the crud and heavy snow.

She is a light, strong and expert level skier. She said it felt strong, smooth, responsive and gave great feedback.

This ski seemed to reward good movements - she looked like a different skier as she shredded the mountain at speed.

AND, it comes in pink….whats not to like…
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