Ski Length Recommendation

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Ski Length Recommendation

Postby johnswimmer » Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:58 pm

I'm interested in getting the Head i.Supershape Speed, based on the HSS recommendations. Stats: male, 5'10", 140 lbs., age 52, terminal intermediate skier looking to improve. When I read online ski length charts, 5'10" maps to skis around a 170cm or more ski length, but 140 lbs maps to around 163 cm. Right now I ski on the Volkl AC20, 163 cm, purchased some years before I heard of pmts. I've rented a few skis a bit longer but the length was generally due to rocker. Those skis I rented seemed more stable. The Volkls turn quite easily, but I get uncomfortable at higher speeds on anything besides pure corduroy. I'm probably going to stick with 163cm out of fear that longer skis may get away from me, but thought I'd get a little feedback as to whether 163cm is ideally a little short. Another way to pose the question is, which is more relevant to ski length, a skier's height or weight?
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Re: Ski Length Recommendation

Postby DougD » Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:37 pm


I'm exactly your height and weight, perhaps a bit more accomplished as a skier, both generally and in PMTS. I skied around the PMTS groups during a camp last month and spoke a lot with Diana. I demoed the SS Speed and, for my weight and ability she recommended the 163. Not that I couldnt handle the 170, but the shorter turns of the 163 make learning PMTS movements easier.

She was right (of course). They handled beautifully and responded to every (correct) movement instantly. Im buying a pair myself in that length.

P. S. The length you ski on the Volkls is irrelevant. They're a terrible PMTS ski (I've skied them).

P.P. S. Your perceived lack of stability on shorter skis is as much about missing skills as about missing cm. :wink:
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Re: Ski Length Recommendation

Postby johnswimmer » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:03 pm


Thank you very much for your informative reply, and for removing any uncertainty I had about the best ski length, 163cm. I suspect you are more than a bit more accomplished than me.

Regarding the Volkl AC20, I was surprised how much better the skis I demoed this past January seemed, and they are not pmts recommended - the Rossignol Experience 88 and the Rossignol Soul 7. There were 22" of fresh powder at Alta, and I had to try my hand at some powder skiing. After turning in the wide skis, the Volks felt like twigs that gave me jagged, skidded turns on the groomers. I was getting better edge hold and less skidding with the Experience 88's on groomers. The Soul 7's felt like big planks, but they allowed me to finally experience floating on powder.

Certainly skidded turns are ultimately due to lack of skills.
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Re: Ski Length Recommendation

Postby DougD » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:49 am


Don't beat yourself up for having difficulty carving clean round turns on the Volkls. As a brand, Volkls are about the most inflexible skis out there. Bending stiff skis into a controlled arc requires lots of skill and energy. Since you and I don't weigh much, our main source of energy would have to be speed... lots of speed (F=MV^2). You probably arent happy skiing at race or near race speeds and you certainly couldn't learn new movements while doing it, but that would be the only way to get such skis to carve well.

By comparison with any of the skis you mentioned, the SS Speeds are easy flexing, very narrow and light as a feather. They will look and feel VERY different... and that's exactly right. Unlike those other skis, the SS Speeds respond to PMTS movements even at slow speeds. The 163cm length do so even more (compared to longer versions), which is just the ticket for skiers who aren't built like linebackers. PMTS drills must be learned and practiced at very slow speeds, as HH shows in many videos. You need a ski that will respond effectively to advanced movements at 2mph on the bunny slope. The SS Speeds at 163 will do that, yet they'll also carve and hold an edge when skiing faster when you're ready.

Welcome to PMTS. Forget everything you think you know about skiing and follow the program HH has set out. Start at the beginning of ACBAES 1 and don't skip any steps. Even the easiest drills have a purpose and value. My partner was a frightened novice when he took the Green/Blue camp last month. Since then, his skiing and enthusiasm for skiing have exploded. He's skiing trails that would have challenged or scared him last year with control and enjoying it.

Good luck and have fun with the SS Speeds! I guarantee they and PMTS will improve your skiing.
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