Head Supershape Magnum

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Head Supershape Magnum

Postby patprof » Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:02 pm

After demoing a bunch of skis late last Spring-I really liked 4: SS Magnum, Atomic Metron B5, and the Fischer RX8 and Progressor. Ended up buying the Magnums in a 170. I made a very good decision! These are the best all-round skis that I have ever been on and I like them more each day. I am a level 8, "full figured" guy (225lbs). The last two skis that I have owned were the Nordica Hot Rod Top Fuel and the Volkl Allstar. Once I became addicted to hyper-carving, the Nordicas pretty much stayed in the closet-- unless I wanted to ski insanely fast with some of my younger friends (the Nordies have no known speed limit).
Here is what I've found with the Magnums: they are not quite as quick (edge-to-edge) as the Allstars. But they are close and are much more forgiving. The Magnums also hold about as well as the Volkls on Eastern hardpack (and that's saying something!). My biggest surprise has been on how stable the magnums are at high-speed GS turns. They are every bit as stable as the Top Fuels. In addition, we have had a couple of early dumps here in the East--and the Magnums are very much at home in powder and broken snow. My old knees can't take the bumps any more-so I can't comment on that.
Bottom line: I usually trade skis every year. Next year I'm going to keep the Magnums and buy a new pair of boots instead.
"I can't dance and I can't fly-but when I ski I can sometimes do both!"
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