Fresh 156cm ispeed or clapped out 170cm STX

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Fresh 156cm ispeed or clapped out 170cm STX

Postby Dumbledad » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:17 pm

After a shipping mix-up, I'm in possession of shiny but whimsically short ispeeds, in addition to my well loved STX skis.

I'm spending a week in Champoluc and another in Zermatt over the New Year. As I plan to spend a good chunk of time doing drills, my current inclination is to take the 156cm ispeeds. However, I'm slightly worried that the short sticks will inevitably lead to falling over, either from excessive thigh burn or excessive-turn-onset-dizziness.

I was hoping for sound advice on how to pack. Should I bring the 156cm ispeeds, the 170cm STX, or just leave both at home and rent? As background, I've been to two Hintertux camps, and have skiied (and liked) the ispeed at 163cm.

I'm 175cm, 80kg and ski cautiously (<50km/hr), mostly or blues. In respect to PMTS, in modern parlance, I'll self describe as "edge aware" but "CA/CB" negative.

Any advice would be well appreciated!

PS: I'm the pack mule for the clan, so taking both skis will hopefully not be the recommended plan.
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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:56 pm

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